- 服務補救、服務價值、抱怨處理後滿意度與關係行銷之研究
- 服務補救影響民眾認知警察服務價值、滿意度與關係行銷之實證研究--以高雄港務警察局為例
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- 關係行銷與顧客滿意
- 服務品質、疏失、補救與顧客滿意之結構性分析--以高雄地區為例
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- 服務環境下服務品質、服務價值、顧客滿意及顧客忠誠度關係之研究
- 大學形象與服務品質對學生滿意度之影響:以東吳大學商學院為例
題 名 | 服務補救、服務價值、抱怨處理後滿意度與關係行銷之研究=An Investigation of the Relationship between Service Recovery, Service Value, Customer Satisfaction, and Relationship Marketing |
作 者 | 謝作明; 廖森貴; | 書刊名 | 臺北科技大學學報 |
卷 期 | 35:2 2002.09[民91.09] |
頁 次 | 頁187-204 |
分類號 | 496.7 |
關鍵詞 | 服務補救; 服務價值; 顧客滿意; 關係行銷; Service recovery; Service value; Customer satisfaction; Relationship marketing; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 服務人員在與顧客的接觸過程中,難免會有服務失誤的情形發生,造成顧客的負面反應,然而如果業者能夠透過服務補救來挽回失誤的情形,將有可能會使得消費者更滿意該企業。過去少有人從消費者角度探討服務失誤後補救與服務價值、滿意度之關係,本研究之目的在探討服務補救、服務價值、補救後滿意度與關係行銷之關係。 選定與醫療業者以及與銀行業者有消費經驗的消費者發放問卷,以線性結構方程式(LISREL)進行資料的實證分析,研究結果發現顯著的正向關係存在於(1)服務補救對服務價值;(2)服務補救對抱怨處理後滿意度;(3)服務補救對關係行銷;(4)服務價值對關係行銷;(5)抱怨處理後滿意度對服務價值;(6)抱怨處理後滿意度對關係行銷。研究結果也顯示了醫療業與銀行業的差異在於:醫療業的服務補救對抱怨處理後滿意度不甚顯著,推估可能是因為醫療業的服務補救發生機率不大或效果不顯著之故。 |
英文摘要 | Due to the variety of customers' need and the variation of services, service failure is considered as a matter of the inevitable issue. If dealing with service failure properly, not only can the enterprise recover the customers' satisfaction, create higher service value but also maintain better relationship with them. The study proposed a theoretical framework relating service recovery to service value, to customer satisfaction, and to relationship marketing. The Purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between service recovery (SR), service value (SV), customer satisfaction (CS), and relationship marketing (RM). To test the proposed hypotheses, an empirical model of the relationships between SR, SV, CS, and RM was conducted. LISREL was used to test the model with the questionnaire gathered in the bank and medical industry. The results revealed that certain relationships between the constructs do appear to respond to each other. They were: (1) SR has a direct significant positive effect on SV. (2) SR has direct significant positive effect on CS in the bank industry, but not in the medical services. (3) SR has a direct significant positive effect on RM. (4) SV has a direct significant positive effect on RM. (5) CS has a direct significant positive effect on RM. (6) SR has a direct significant positive effect on SV. |