題 名 | 介面噴塗層與基板種類對Ti10/W90濺鍍層之應力分析=The Stress Analysis of Ti10/W90 Sputter Coatings with Various Undercoats and Substrates |
作 者 | 張燕玲; 林健正; 陳罡; | 書刊名 | 力學 |
卷 期 | 15:2 1999.12[民88.12] |
頁 次 | 頁159-167 |
分類號 | 440.2 |
關鍵詞 | 有限元素法; 熱應力; 基板; TiW塗層; Finite element method; Thermal stress; Substrate; TiW coating; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文主要利用有限元素法分析"基板—擴散阻擋層"之複合材料承受溫差形變時的 應力行為。本文以TiW之濺鍍薄膜為擴散阻擋層。基板則以A1、Ti、invar為材料。主要分 為五部份考慮:(1)基板材料對於濺鍍層TiW應力分佈的影響;(2)濺鍍厚度對於TiW應力分佈 的影響;(3)介面噴塗層對於TiW應力分佈的影響;(4)基板表面粗糙度對於TiW應力分佈的影 響;(5)基板表面之凹槽對於TiW應力分佈的影響。本研究成果顯示:以A1、Ti及invar三種 材料當做基材,invar為最佳之基板材料。另外,將濺鍍層厚度的增加,會加速濺鍍層之剝 落。此外,介面噴塗層與粗糙的基材表面可以有效阻止濺鍍層的剝落。但是在基板表面割凹 槽,將產生多處應力集中,對防止濺鍍層剝落並無幫助。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this paper is to analyze the stress behaviors of the substrate-diffusion barriers composite material subjected to the thermal loading by means of the finite element method. In this study, the TiW sputter coating is used as the diffusion barrier; the material of A1, Ti, or invar is considered to be used as the substrate. The effects of the substrate materials, the coating thickness, the undercoat, the interfacial grooves, and the interfacial textures on the stress distributions of the diffusion barrier TiW are under consideration. The results show that (1) invar is the best substrate material among A1, Ti, and invar; (2) the increase of the thickness of TiW will accelerate the debonding of the sputter coating; (3) the undercoat between the substrate and TiW will prevent TiW from spallation, so do the grooves on the surface of the substrate; (4) however, the textures on the surface of the substrate cause the stress concentrations that are helpless to avoid TiW from debonding. |