- 臺北市學齡前兒童的體位與營養素攝取和血液脂質生化的關係
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題 名 | 臺北市學齡前兒童的體位與營養素攝取和血液脂質生化的關係=Relationship between Anthropometry, Nutrients Intakes and Serum Lipids among Preschool Children in Taipei |
作 者 | 楊淑惠; 鄭心嫻; 陳淑嫥; 黃惠明; 許薰惠; 陳金發; 賴明宏; 謝明哲; | 書刊名 | 中華民國營養學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 24:2 1999.05[民88.05] |
頁 次 | 頁139-151 |
分類號 | 411.3 |
關鍵詞 | 總血膽固醇; 重高指數; 身體質量指數; 學齡前兒童; Total blood cholesterol; Weight-for-length index; Body mass index; Preschool children; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 研究目的是在探討臺北市學齡前兒童的體位、營養素攝取與血液脂質的關係。調查進行於民國86年2月至87年1月,受試兒童共302位,其年齡從36個月到76個月,平均值為 62 ± 10 個月,測量學童身高與體重,並收集血樣以供分析。以陳氏的重高指數計算,結果有36人≧1.2,約佔11.9%為肥胖。血清膽固醇的平均值在170 ± 29 mg/dL,總膽固醇有139人(46.0%)>170 mg/dL。有74位兒童完成三天的飲食記錄。使用電腦分析軟體分析其飲食中的熱量與三大營養素。就飲食脂肪攝取值>30% 是為高脂肪組;反之則為低脂肪組。結果顯示:高脂肪組:熱量1236 ± 391仟卡、蛋白質14.2%、脂質36.3%、碳水化合物50.0%、膽固醇值177 ± 26 mg/dL;低脂肪組:熱量1001 ± 333仟卡、蛋白質13.8%、脂質26.5%、碳水化合物60.5%、膽固醇值174 ± 50 mg/dL。脂質攝取量平均數為34.4%,中位數在34.3%都超過NCEP (National Cholesterol Education Program)的脂質建議量<30%。以t-test檢定高脂肪組和低脂肪組對血液脂質值沒有呈現統計差異性存在。 |
英文摘要 | The aim of this study was to investigate the anthropometric and dietary characteristics of preschool children in Taipei in relation to their serum lipids. Three hundreds and two preschool children, aged from 36 months to 76 months with mean age of 62 ± 10 months were included in this study. Children's height and body weight were measured, and blood samples were taken for analysis. The results were as follows: for weight-for-length index, there were 36 children ≧ 1.2; that meant 11.9% of total children were concluded as obese. As for total blood cholesterol, total of one hundred and thirty nine children (46.0%) were greater than 170 mg/dL. Computer analytic softwares were used to analyze the diet intake of seventy-four preschool children who had completed three days food intake record. Those who had fat intake greater than 30% of total diet were defined as high fat group; those less than 30% were defined as low fat group. The results were as follows: high fat group: 1236 ± 391 Kcal, 14.2% protein, 36.3% fat, 50% carbohydrate, cholesterol 177 ± 26 mg/dL; low fat group: 1001 ± 333 Kcal, 13.8% protein, 26.5% fat and 60.5% carbohydrate, cholesterol 174 ± 50 mg/dL. Average fat intake was 34.4% with median value of 34.4%; both exceeded the NCEP (National Cholesterol Education Program) recommendation (<30% ). As for serum lipids, there was no statistic difference in serum lipid between high fat group and low fat group by using t-test. |