題 名 | 八十六年度提昇國民體能專案體能檢測報告=1997 National Fitness Test Report |
作 者 | 江界山; 吳慧君; | 書刊名 | 華岡理科學報 |
卷 期 | 15 1998.05[民87.05] |
頁 次 | 頁87-126 |
分類號 | 412.5 |
關鍵詞 | 健康體適能; 身體質量指數; 肌力; 肌耐力; 心肺耐力; 柔軟度; Health-related fitness; Body mass index; BMI; Muscular strength; Cardiovascular endurance; Flexibility; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究經八十六年度施測臺灣地區30-65歲社會人士3279人體能資料,依不同年齡 性別及區域別,進行描述統計、百分等級、七分等級及t檢定等資料處理,得到以下結果: 一、在所有男性受測者方面,除了心肺耐力(三分鐘登階指數)無顯著差異外 其餘的體能要素和柔軟度、腹肌肌力、肌耐力及身體質量指數,均呈現出30-44歲年層頗於45-65歲年齡層的現象。 二、北、中、南、東四區的體能測量結果,雖有部份變項在統計上達到顯著水準;但整體而言,區域的不同所造成的差異並不顯著。 |
英文摘要 | This research involved 3279 people from Taiwan, age ranged between 30-65 were tested in 1997. All results were processed through described statistics, 100 percentile, 7grade classifications and t test, according to their age, sex and districts. The results are as follows: 1.Out of all male tested, other than cardiovascular endurance(3 minutes step test index) shows no significant diffidence, the rest of the events such as flexibility, abdominal muscular strength and muscular endurance and BMI show that the age groups of 30-44 are superior than age groups of 45-65. 2. Out of all female tested, it is obvious that their fitness levels decline as the ages progress. Therefore, the flexibility, abdominal strength, muscular endurance and BMI of female, 30-44 age groups are superior than female, age groups of 45-65. 3. The test results from North, Central, South an East district of Taiwan show that although some variables reached significant levels, but overall results indicate, there is no significant difference among different districts. |