- 國立聯合技術學院新生健康體適能之研究
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題 名 | 國立聯合技術學院新生健康體適能之研究=The Study of Health Related Physical Fitness of Freshmen in National Lien-Ho Institute of Technology |
作 者 | 何忠鋒; | 書刊名 | 聯合學報 |
卷 期 | 18 2001.05[民90.05] |
頁 次 | 頁215-223 |
分類號 | 412.5 |
關鍵詞 | 健康體適能; 柔軟度; 肌力; 肌耐力; 瞬發力; 心肺耐力; 身體質量指數; Health related physical fitness; Flexibility; Muscular strength; Muscular endurance; Power; Cardiovascular endurance; Body mass index; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要國的在探討國立聯合技術學院新生健康體適能狀況, 進而建立學校體 適能常模。 以八十九學年度日間部一年級新生 1957 人(男生 1413 人, 平均年齡 19.22 ± 0.69;女生 544 人,平均年齡 19.11 ± 0.39 )為研究對象。 檢測項目包括身體質量 指數( BMI )、坐姿體前彎、 60 秒屈膝仰臥起坐、立定跳遠、男生 1600 及女生 800 公 尺跑走等五項,並調查規律運動情形。 所得資料以獨立樣本 t 檢定考驗男、女生間及有無 規律運動習慣受試者之健康體適能差異,並用百分位數( percentile )建立百分等級常模 ,顯著水準定為 P<.05。所得結果如下: 一、本研究有效樣本高達 83.3 %,所建立的各項健康體適能常模足以代表母群體。 二、男生的 1600 公尺跑走 499.28 ± 63.78 秒優於臺灣地區同齡男學生; 但在坐姿體前 彎、立定跳遠、30 秒與 60 秒屈膝仰臥起坐方面,則比臺灣地區同齡男學生差。 三、女生各項健康體適能成績皆比臺灣地區同齡女學生差,且多未達 50 %等級。 四、全校男、女新生有 86.1 %的人無規律運動習慣。 五、男生與女生有規律運動習慣者在柔軟度、瞬發力、肌(耐)力與心肺力方面皆顯著優於 無規律運動習慣者。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to investigate the stand and health-related physical fitness ability of students an National Lien-Ho Institute of Technology. The purpose was studied for the ability of standard health-related physical fitness ability of students at N.L.H.I.T. The data was obtained and examined from 1957 students at N.L.H.I.T. (1413 males, averages age 19.22 ± 0.69; 544 females, average age 19.11 ± 0.39). The items included: body mass index (BMI), modified sit and reach, one minuter flexed leg sit up, standing broad long jump, male 1600/m run-walk and female 800/m run-walk, and an investigation of the daily regular exercise habits of the participants. All the samples were used to t-test the differences in health-related physical fitness abilities of male and female students, both those with the habit of regular exercise and those without (the habit). Those samples will finally set up the percentile. The significant standard sets for P<0.5. The achievements are as follows: 1.The samples for the study reach effectively up to 83.3%. And the health physical fitness tests set up by this study represented enough for those populations. 2.The result from 1600/m run-walk (499.28 ± 63.78sec.) for the males was better than that for those in Taiwan area. However, the achievements of the modified sit-and-reach, standing broad long jump, 30 seconds and one minute flexed leg sit-up were worse than those of the other males in Taiwan area. 3.The achievements of the females in all health related physical tests were weaker than those of other females in Taiwan area. None reached the 50% level. 4.About 86.1% of freshmen didn't have the habit of the regular exercise. 5.Those who had the habit of the regular exercise were better at flexibility, power, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and cardiovascular endurance than those who didn't. |