題 名 | The Developmental Characteristics of Chinese Children with Language Impairment=語言障礙兒童之發展特徵 |
作 者 | 張學岺; 趙家琛; | 書刊名 | 臺灣精神醫學 |
卷 期 | 12:3 1998.09[民87.09] |
頁 次 | 頁71-79 |
分類號 | 417.5847 |
關鍵詞 | 語言發展障礙; 學齡前兒童發展商數; Language impairment; Chinese child development inventory; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 目的:瞭解台灣學齡前語言障礙兒童的發展特徵。方法:以門診80個案為研究對象, 比較其學齡前兒童發展商數。將個案依學齡前兒童發展商數及臨床症狀分類為:表達型、 接受型及混合型語言障礙兒童。結果:62名男性及18名女性中,表達型語言障礙10人 (12.5%)、接受型語言障礙8人(10%)及混合型語言障礙62人(77.5%)。各組在一般發展、粗動 作、精細動作、溝通表達及概念理解商數上的分佈達顯著差異。本研究結果同時顯示,語障 兒童均伴有粗動作及精細動作發展遲緩現象。結論:本研究中,語障兒童之粗動作及精細動作 發展與國外研究相似,均有遲緩現象。顯示在不同語言中,語障兒童發展特徵仍具共通性。 此特質於臨床診斷及治療中均極具意義。本研究同時發現,混合型語障兒童的語言及粗、精 細動作發展均較其它語障兒童嚴重。 |
英文摘要 | Objective:This study examined the developmental characteristics of children with speech/language impairment in Taiwan.Methods:The medical records of all previously untreated patients with a diagnosis of speech/language impairment admitted form March 1993 to March 1997 were reviewed. Their demographic data and scores on CCDI were analyzed. The children were categorized into one of the following three subgroups according to their CCDI scores and symptoms:expressive language problem, receptive language problem and expressive- receptive language problem.Results: A total of 80 patients (62 boys and 18 girls) with a diagnosis of speech/language problem were included in the study sample. The mean age of their first visit to Mental Health Clinic was 34.76± 12.86 months. Mixed expressive-receptive language problem was diagnosed in 62 cases (77.5%),expressive language broblem in 10 cases (12.5%) and receptive language problem in 8 cases (10%). The three diagnostic groups showed significant differences in the distribution of CCDI scores in conceptual comprehension, expressive language, fine motor, gross motor and general development quotients. Conclusion:Although the Chinese language system is considerably different from western language systems, our preliminary profile of Chinese children with speech/language disorders showed a high similarity to profiles of western children with English language impairment. This finding suggests that language impairment has a common biological basis in children. |