題 名 | 含水率及脫殼方式對稻穀脫殼效率之研究=Effects of Moisture Content and Husking Method on Husking Efficiency of Rough Rice |
作 者 | 黃怡仁; 曹紹徽; 何榮祥; | 書刊名 | 中華農學會報 |
卷 期 | 186 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁115-133 |
分類號 | 434.119 |
關鍵詞 | 稻穀; 含水率; 脫殼率; 滾筒式脫殼; 衝擊式脫殼; Rough rice; Moisture content; Percent husked grain; Roll husking method; Impact husking method; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 以不同水分含量之梗稻濕穀為材料,分別利用衝擊式脫殼機及滾筒式礱穀機進行 脫殼,檢視兩種脫殼方式對不同水分含量稻穀之脫殼效果,及以脫殼後富含水率糙米進行品 質檢驗之可行性。試驗初步結果如下: 兩種脫殼方式的脫殼率,均隨著稻穀含水率及產地的不同而有明顯差異。但稻穀含水率 愈高時,脫殼率愈低;當稻穀含水率較高,且穀粒充實狀況正常時,衝擊式脫殼法較滾筒式 脫殼法有較高的脫殼率,無論稻穀含水率之高低,衝擊式脫殼法之糙米表面刮傷程度均較滾 筒式脫殼法輕微,較不影響糙米外觀品質之鑑別,惟在稻穀含水率較低時,衝擊式脫殼法有 較高的碎米率;整體而言,衝擊式脫殼法較滾筒式脫殼法可獲得較佳的脫殼效果,且其脫殼 後的糙米成品較易進行檢驗,惟其最佳的脫殼條件仍有待進一步探討。 本試驗的目的在利用聚合醃連鎖反應技術建立荷蘭種乳牛之逢機增殖多態性DNA及逢機增 殖微衛星多態性指紋圖譜並加以比較。結果顯示不論是逢機增殖多態性DNA指紋或逢機增殖微 衛星多態性指紋均可呈現多態性,但兩者指紋之態樣不同,前者之環帶數目較後者為多。基因 組DNA以不同的引子增殖所得的之指紋態樣,隨引子的不同而有所差異,此乃不同引于所附著 在模版DNA之位置有所變異而導致增殖出之DNA片段有所差異的緣故。於逢機增殖多態性DNA 指紋之同一位置出現之環帶,在逢機增殖微衛星多態性指紋中有消失者,此一現象顯示同一位 置出現之逢機增殖多態性DNA與逢機增殖微衛星多態性指紋環帶,其核甘酸序列未必相同。在 逢機增殖多態性DNA指紋中除了所能目視之環帶外,雖然尚有一些難以肉眼清楚觀察的環帶, 但雜交後在逢機增殖微衛星多態性指紋中有可能出現明顯之環帶,造成此一現象之原因,可能 是聚合醃連鎖反應增殖出之DNA片段量甚微,但其核甘酸序列與重複序列(TG)6探針同質性高的 緣故。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to investigate the husking efficiency of rough rice (Oryza sativa var. Japonica) with different moisture contents subjected to two different husking methods (impact husking and roll husking), and the feasibility of quality inspection of husked brown rice with high moisture content. Experimental results showed that the percentage of husked grain varies with different moisture contents and different production areas for both husking methods. Nevertheless, the higher the moisture content of rough rice, the lower the percentage of husked grain. For grain with higher moisture content and better filling, impact husking leads to higher percentage of husked grain than roll husking does. Results also revealed that no matter what the moisture content is, the surface damage of brown rice is slighter for impact husking than for roll husking, however, the percentage of broken kernel is higher for impact husking than for roll husking under low moisture contents. In general, the impact method has higher husking efficiency, and its husked brown rice is easier to inspect. Further study is still needed to obtain the optimum husking condition of rough rice under general situation. |