題 名 | 稻穀含水率測定技術之比較與評估=Comparison and Evaluation of the Determination Technique for Moisture Content of Rough Rice |
作 者 | 吳柏青; | 書刊名 | 技術學刊 |
卷 期 | 14:1 1999.03[民88.03] |
頁 次 | 頁129-138 |
分類號 | 434.111 |
關鍵詞 | 稻穀; 水份計; 含水率; Rough rice; Moisture meter; Moisture content; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 濕穀收購計價管理系統為稻米加工自動化作業中最重要之一環,而快速及準確地 測定濕穀含水率極為重要。本試驗研究針對各種稻穀含水率測定技術之準確度與精確度進行 測試與評估,將八種水份計、十種含水率測定方法在8%~28%含水率範圍內量測三種稻穀樣 品,並與AOAC標準烤箱測定法所測得之結果進行比較分析。整體而言,以紅外線水份計 之精確度與準確度較佳。單粒穀物水份計之穀物種類設定明顯影響稻穀含水率量測值,且樣 品含水率高低亦影響其量測值。試驗結果可提供各種稻穀水份計之精確度與準確度,以作為 選擇適當之稻穀水份計參考,並可供稻穀水份計製造廠商作為水份計校正參考。 |
英文摘要 | The wet grain trading system is the most important procedure in the rice process automation operation. Therefore, a faster, more accurate measurement of grain moisture content has become more important to the system. This research evaluated measuring techniques of rice moisture content. Eight moisture meters and ten measuring methods were used to measure the moisture content of three varieties of rice samples within an 8~28% range. To evaluate the accuracy and precision of moisture content measurement, the experimental results were compared with the results from the AOAC standard oven method. In general, moisture content measurement using an infrared moisture meter was more accurate and precise. The setting of grain variety on the single kernel moisture tester significantly affected moisture content measurement. The experimental results may help farmers associations or private grain processing companies to recognize the problem in the wet grain trading system and drying process. In addition, the results can provide more information for the calibration of moisture meters. |