題 名 | 果實成熟度對"金煌"檬果品質及果肉劣變之影響=Effect of Fruit Maturity on Quality and Physiological Disorder of "Chiin Hwang" Mango (Mangifera indica L.) |
作 者 | 李雪如; 林慧玲; 謝慶昌; 李國權; | 書刊名 | 中國園藝 |
卷 期 | 44:2 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁138-143 |
分類號 | 435.325 |
關鍵詞 | 果實比重; 可溶性固形物; 果肉劣變; Specific gravity; Total soluble solids; Flesh disorder; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | ‘金煌’檬果於果實成熟期84年6月26日(花後約93日)至8月24日(花後約152)定期取樣,調查果實重量、體積及比重之變化,並探討果實成熟度與果實糖度(可溶性固形物)及果肉劣變的相關性。試驗結果發現果實重量、體積持續增加,比重隨著果實成熟度增加而增加,花後121日後超過1.00。果實經過1000倍益收處理,置於室溫(28°C±2°C)追熟,低成熟度(花後93日)果實之可溶性固形物11.15%,亦隨著成熟度增加而增加,至花後152日達15.19%。果肉劣變的發生率越至果實發育後期則越嚴重,花後121日前少於15%;而花後135日後則高達60%以上。果實比重與果肉劣變有很密切之相關性;而與糖度呈高度直線相關性(R2=0.96),因此在提高果實品質及增加單位面積產量的考量下,花後120日或許可作為農民合理的採收時間,且果實比重1.01可作為選別人員篩選果實的臨界值,以解決檬果果實成熟度參差不齊的缺點。 |
英文摘要 | ‘Chiin Hwang’ mango fruits were collected periodically from June 26 (93 day after anthesis) to August 24 (152 day after anthesis) to determine fruit weight, volume and specific gravity as well as the relationship between degree of maturity, sugar content and mescoarp disorder. Results indicated fruit weight and volume increased as fruit developed. The specific gravity, on the other hand, was closely related to fruit maturity, and the former tended to exceed 1.00 121 days after bloom. Those fruits picked on day 93 had a soluble solids of 11.2% reached 15.2% 152 days after bloom. Fruit disorder worsen at later stage of ripening; was 60% 135 day after bloom, as compared with 15% on day 121, and a close relationship was found between specific gravity and fruit disorder or sugar content (R2=0.96). In conclusion, it is suggested that day 120 and specific gravity index of 1.01 should be adopted as a critical point of harvest in order to maintain fruit quality, yield and to solve the problem of uneven ripening. |