題 名 | 梨加工製品之試製=Studies on Preparation of Pear Products |
作 者 | 江伯源; 曾致勳; 盧訓; | 書刊名 | 農林學報 |
卷 期 | 48:1 1999.03[民88.03] |
頁 次 | 頁73-83 |
分類號 | 435.6 |
關鍵詞 | 梨; 冰糖梨; 雪梨盅; 冷點; 殺菌值; 可溶性固形物; 微細構造; Pear; Candy sugar pear; Snow pear pot; Cold point; Fo value; Soluble solid; Microstructure; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本實驗以新興梨為原料,製成梨加工製品 -- 冰糖梨、雪梨盅,探討殺菌條件及 儲存中品質之變化,結果如下: 馬口鐵罐( #F2 )內容量 250 ± 10 克,測得其冷點位於罐中心線距罐底 1/2 ( 2.65cm )處。在 121 ℃殺菌 15 分鐘( F □ =4 )下即可得安全無慮之商業殺菌效果。兩種製品 之 pH 值及可溶性固形物含量有增加情形。 在色澤方面有顯著變化,a 值及 b 值均隨儲存 時間延長而增加。在品評方面,冰糖梨的接受性良好,而雪梨盅在儲存第二個月即有顯著性 差異發生。 由掃描式電子顯微鏡( SEM )觀察得知,冰糖梨及雪梨盅的組織在殺菌後呈不 規則狀。 |
英文摘要 | In order to expand the utilization of the pear (Sinku), two new types of pear products (candy sugar pear and snow pear pot) were developed. The sterilzation condition and the changes in quality during storage were investigated. The results obtained were as follows: The cold point of pear tin can (#F2) was on the vertical axis 2.65 cm from the can bottom. F□ value of 4 was high enough for commerical sterilization of canned pear products. During the storage, the pH value and soluble solid of two kind pear products were increasing. Both a value and b value increased during the storage period. As for sensory evaluation of the pear product during storage test, the candy sugar pear has good acceptance, but the snow pear pot has a significant difference at the second month of storage period. The scanning electron microscopy image of the pear products showed that the tissue shape of the candy sugar pear and snow pear pot was changed after sterilized. |