題 名 | 高接梨園霜害防護措施研究=Evaluation of Frost Protection Techniques for Grafted-Pear in Tunshi Area |
作 者 | 申雍; 詹文揚; | 書刊名 | 中華農業氣象 |
卷 期 | 5:3 1998.07[民87.07] |
頁 次 | 頁149-153 |
分類號 | 435.312 |
關鍵詞 | 高接梨; 氣象災害; 霜害; 防災措施; 加熱爐; Grafting pear; Agrometeorological disasters; Frost damage; Preventation techniques; Heaters; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 中部低海拔地區梨園高接的梨穗,在冬季期間可能因輻射霜之生成而受害。研究 中由高接梨穗溫度和果園中微氣象的變化,探討利用沸水加熱爐或將風扇置於果園棚架下 兩種防護措施,應用於高接梨園的可行性及其效果。結果指出應用風扇無法防制強烈輻射 冷卻對高接梨穗的傷害;但應用沸水加熱爐可以經由蒸氣凝結、輻射加熱、及提高氣溫等 幾種機制,有效提升高接梨穗的溫度,應用自行設計的沸水加熱爐,加熱到90∼100℃時, 可將距離沸水加熱爐半徑3m以內高接梨穗的溫度至少提升達1℃以上,唯相關的經濟效益仍 有待進一步試驗予以評估。 |
英文摘要 | The young buds of grafting pear, grown mainly at low altitude mountainous area in central Taiwan, could be damaged by frost at winter. In this study, the effectiveness of frost damage prevention by fans placed under canopy and by boiling water heaters were evaluated through analyzing the bud temperatures and micrometeorological changes in the orchard. The results indicated that there was little effect of frost prevention by placing fans under canopy. However , boiling water heaters raised the bud temperature through mechanisms of vapor condensation, radiation heating, and air temperature elevation. The self-designed boiling water heater could raise bud temperatures at least 1℃ within 3 m in radius. However, further research still needs to be done to evaluate the economical retum. |