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題 名 | 提昇蒸餾工場操作效益=Improvement on the Crude Tower Operation |
作 者 | 沈宏俊; 李政誠; 柯經緯; 呂國旭; 陳萬容; 陳文星; 陳琦瑜; 張俊成; 邱坤源; 賴憲玉; 林勝益; 陳進丞; | 書刊名 | 石油季刊 |
卷 期 | 34:4 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁37-46 |
分類號 | 457.4 |
關鍵詞 | 石油塔操作; 電腦模擬; 加熱爐; Crude tower operation; Simulation; Furnace; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 分析現場作數據及電腦模擬顯示,第八蒸餾工場操作可以利用提高出口溫度,調 整迴流量來降低塔底油產率,多取出一些輕質油料,並降油品間之重疊度,以增加每年數億 元的利潤,如果側迴流滿載時,可啟用頂部冷回流。 本研究於八十六年四月間在第八蒸餾工場進行提溫及提煉量測試,8,000BPD及進料溫度 330℃為基準,提溫至338℃約可降低塔底油(Reduced Crude)產率25 vol%,根據高廠生產 月報統計,八六年度該工場塔底油的產率比八五年度低2.56 vol%,顯示效果的持續性,是 歷年最底;提高溫度除增加產值與減少油品之重疊度外,亦對下游真空蒸餾工場有正面的效 益,即降低加熱爐負荷增產VGO,效益相當顯著。 加熱爐的負荷在測試期間由約設計值的75%,提高至提溫階段的90%,在煉量提至94,000 BPD時,加熱爐之負荷達到設計值的105%,在安全範圍最高可達110%。如果要使加熱爐更有 效使用,應想辦法改善及提高加熱爐進口溫度。另外在研究過程中,發現目前公司幾乎所有 的加熱爐其管壁溫度指示均有誤差,我們亦提出改善方法,前已推廣至公司各廠,陸續進行 換裝,已完成的效果均相當良好。 |
英文摘要 | by collecting plant data and using a ProII simulation model, ways to improve the operation of a crude tower were investigated. It was found that the furnace outlet temperature could be increased and the reflux rate should be adjusted. By properly adjusting the cold top reflux, light product yields could be increased at the expense of the reduced crude yield. Overlapping in distillation curves between product stream was also reduced. The crude tower has a base refining capacity of 80,000 BPSD. The furnace is operated at 75% of the designed capacity. By increasing the throughput to 94,000 BOSD and increasing the furnace outlet temperature by 8C, the furnace loading is calculated to be 105% of the design capacity. This is made possible by improving the shielding of coil thermocouple to give a better indication of tube skin temperature. By adopting the proposed operation strategy, there is a reduction of 2.5vol% of atmospheric residue yield. This is equivalent to millions of profit. The downstream vacuum unit is also benefit from the better feed. |