題 名 | 茶園農業氣象災害與因應策略=Agrometeorological Disasters Occurred on the Tea Gardens in Taiwan and Its Responsive Strategies |
作 者 | 林木連; 謝靜敏; 陳玄; | 書刊名 | 作物、環境與生物資訊 |
卷 期 | 4:1 2007.03[民96.03] |
頁 次 | 頁35-40 |
分類號 | 433.1 |
關鍵詞 | 茶; 氣象災害; 旱害; 霜害; 焚風; Tea; Meteorological disaster; Drought; Frost damage; Foehn wind; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 茶葉是臺灣重要的經濟作物,年產值120億元,種植面積18,208公頃(2005),主要產茶縣市為南投、臺北、嘉義、桃園等縣。由於茶園在臺灣的廣泛分佈,茶樹係處於多樣態氣候環境中,其遭受氣象災害之樣態與頻率也有地域性之差別。茶園常見之氣象災害包括焚風、旱害、寒害(霜害)、颱風、澇害等。焚風害常發生於臺東茶區,造成夏茶葉片焦枯,而影響製茶品質;近年來經濟不景氣、進口茶競爭、氣候變遷、茶樹衰老等因素,部份茶區轉為依賴降雨栽培及粗放管理,使得遭受旱害之頻率有升高之趨勢,尤其是臺北、桃竹苗茶區常遭遇缺雨減產。茶園旱害以2003年六月之北宜桃竹苗地區最為嚴重,造成茶樹枯死,幸賴政府加以補助救濟;2005年三月之霜害亦造成南投、嘉義茶園嚴重失收及茶產期延後。2004年及2005年是臺灣多颱風之年,特別是敏督利、海棠等颱風造成之澇害,使南投及嘉義少部份茶園土壤及施用之有機質肥料流失。茶園氣象災害之因應策略首重事前之預防,採取必要防範措施。常發生焚風害之茶區,則需注意氣象變化及颱風動向,噴水為常用之預防方法。種茶宜設有灌溉設施,良好的栽培管理使根系能深入土壤,種植耐旱品種等為抗旱的良好方法。茶園寒害之因應策略包括選擇適合之栽種區域及種植抗寒害品種,注意低溫特報採取必要之防護;復園措施包括摘除或修剪受霜害葉枝。颱風害之預防措施包括注意氣象預報,如茶芽可採收宜搶採,而常遭颱風危害茶園宜考慮設置風籬,夏季茶園雜草應適度保留,避免淨耕以防土壤受侵蝕。復園措施包括幼木傾倒者之扶正,茶菁若受損一定程度者則予剪除,以利新芽萌發。近幾年茶園氣象災害之發生有提高之趨勢,故無論新植或老茶區宜做好茶區氣象之條件分析、氣象監測、預報管理,使能即時提出茶園氣象防禦措施。對過去所發生之茶園氣象災害,也須做出評估分析做為鑑往知來之參考,未來相關資訊系統之建立亦有相當之必要性。 |
英文摘要 | Tea is an important economic crop in Taiwan, with an annual revenue of 380 millions US dollars and cultivated land of 18,208 ha (2005). Dominant tea areas cover Nantou, Taipei, Chiayi and Taoyuan Counties. Because of its wide distribution in Taiwan, tea trees are exposed to diversed meteorological environment. Common agrometeorological disasters occurred on the tea gardens in Taiwan include foehn, drought, frost, typhoon, and flood damages. Typically, foehn occurred in Taitung tea area, causing tea leaves to roll and the lowering of tea quality. Recent foreign tea competition, shortage of farm labor, weakness of plant vigor, partial tea areas shifting to rain-feed, and rough cultivation practices resulted in frequent drought problems, especially in tea areas of Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli Counties. Currently a severe drought case occurred in June 2006 in Taipei, Yeelan, Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli tea areas. Frost damage occurred in March 2005 also brought about severe losses in Nantou and Chiayee tea areas. Many typhoons attacked Taiwan in the years of 2004 and 2005. "Mindulle" and "Hightang" were the two tough ones, resulting a significant soil loss in some tea gardens. Responsive strategies to meteorological disasters firstly lie on prevention measures. Be aware of weather forecast and use of field water spray are the key tactics to mitigate the damage of foehn. Installing irrigation facilities, planting drought resistant cultivars, and suitable cultivation management allowing roots to penetrate to deep soil are strategies used in drought prevention. Regulating tea harvest dates is the main strategy to prevent frost damage in high mountain tea areas. The best way to reduce typhoon damage is to harvest tea prior to typhoon arrival. Setting wind-break and keeping grasses over tea garden are two ways to prevent from soil erosion. In regarding to the frequent meteorological disasters in recent years, it is suggested, to either new or old tea gardens, to conduct meteorological conditions analysis, either by tea farms' owners or by government agencies is necessary, so that better preventing strategies can be formulated. |