題 名 | 金煌芒果果實生育期巨量元素及果肉劣變調查=Studies on the Macronutrient Concentrations and Flesh Breakdown of "Chiin Hwang" Mango |
作 者 | 李雪如; 謝慶昌; 林慧玲; 李國權; | 書刊名 | 高雄區農業改良場研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 12:1 2000.12[民89.12] |
頁 次 | 頁12-25 |
分類號 | 435.325 |
關鍵詞 | 金煌; 果實比重; 可溶性固形物; 果肉劣變; 巨量元素; Chiin hwang; Specific gravity; Total soluble solids; Flesh breakdown; Macronutrient; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | ‘金煌’芒果果實長度、重量及體積變化均呈單S型生長曲線,花後40日至花後82日為果實快速生長期,花後82日至花後152日為果實成熟期;在果實成熟期,果實比重隨著果實發育日數增加而增加。果實之可溶性固形物隨著成熟度增加而增加,低成熟度(花後93日)果實為11.1%,至花後152日達15.2%;果肉劣變的發生率越至果實發育後期則越嚴重,花後121日前少於15%;而花後135日後則高達60%以上。果肉內各種巨量元素皆在果實快速生長發育階段呈下降趨勢,從花後40日至花後152日,鈣濃度下降率達89%;氮、磷、鉀、鈣在六個果肉部位呈現明顯的濃度梯度,氮、磷、鉀濃度由果梗往果頂及由外層果肉(近果皮)往內層果肉(近硬核)遞增,以果頂之內層果肉濃度最高,鈣濃度則由果梗往果頂及由外層果肉往內層果肉遞減,以果頂之內層果肉濃度最低。本文並試著討論各巨量元素(尤其鈣與氮)與果肉劣變的關係。 |
英文摘要 | The fruit growth curve of ‘Chiin Hwang’ mango as represented by fruit length, fresh weight and fruit volume are sigmoid. The period of rapid fruit growth was from 40 days to 82 days after anthesis, and 82-152 days were mature stage. The specific gravity of fruits increased during maturation. The soluble solids was closely related to fruit maturity. Those fruits picked on day 93 had a soluble solids of 11.2% and reached 15.2% 152 days after bloom. Flesh breakdown worsen at later stage of ripening, was 60% 135 day after bloom, as compared with 15% on day 121. Macronutrient concentrations of pulp were reduced during the period of rapid fruit growth, especially Ca, the rate of decline reached 89% 152 days after full bloom. Nitrogen, P, and K concentrations of six sections of the pulp increased from outer toward inner mesocarp with the highest concentration at the distal end of mesocarp. On the contrary, Ca concentration had a reversed tendency with lowest level at the distal portion. |