- 後熟溫度對"金煌"檬果後熟之影響
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- Protease and Amylase Production of Streptomyces Rimosus in Submerged and Solid State Cultivations
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題 名 | 後熟溫度對"金煌"檬果後熟之影響=Effect of Temperature on Ripening of "Chiin Hwang" Mango (Mangifera indica L.) |
作 者 | 李雪如; 林慧玲; 謝慶昌; 李國權; | 書刊名 | 中國園藝 |
卷 期 | 44:2 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁126-136 |
分類號 | 435.325 |
關鍵詞 | 果肉硬度; 可溶性固形物; 全可溶性糖; 澱粉; 澱粉酶; Firmness; Total soluble solids; Total soluble sugar; Starch; α-amylase; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本試驗將採收花後93日‘金煌’檬果果實,置於25°C、38°C後熟;另採花後102日果實,置28°C、38°C下後熟,比較在不同溫度下的後熟行為。結果顯示,‘金煌’檬果在25°C4日無法完成後熟;而38°C可加速果實後熟。38°C處理第二天,可溶性固形物即達11.2%,之後不再有明顯變化,硬度及澱粉含量逐漸下降,全可溶性糖以及澱粉酶活性則逐漸增加,第四天,除了果皮轉色不完全外,果肉顏色及其他特徵都達到後熟階段。 花後102日之果實在28°C、38°C下後熟表現一致,處理第四天達到可食階段,硬度在2-4 kg/cm2,可溶性固形達13%以上,澱粉酶活性在38°C明顯地隨著澱粉降解而增加,但28°C則增加較為緩慢。同時28°C後熟的果肉及果皮呈色反應較好,果肉色澤偏橙黃,果皮在第六天後表現鮮明的橙黃色。38°C後熟的果實,果皮摻雜綠色,在第八天即出現黑色斑點。因此以28°C催熟,較能得到適當的後熟品質。 |
英文摘要 | Researches has been conducted on mango fruits in central Taiwan. In one experiment, ‘Chiin Hwang’ mango fruits were harvested 93 days after full bloom and were placed at were placed at 25°C 38°C for ripening. In the other experiment fruits were gathered 102 days after anthesis and were stored at 28°C or 38°C, to comparing the ripening process of mango fruits under different temperature. Results indicated ‘Chiin Hwang’ mango fruits were unable to complete the ripening process up to 4 days at 25°C, while ripening was accelerated at 38°C. Two days after treatment (38°C), soluble solid increased to the level of 11.2%, firmness and starch content decreased gradually as total soluble sugar concentration and α-amylase activity enhanced. Four days after treatment, pulp color and flavor of fruits all reached the stage of maturity except for the skin color. Those fruits picked at day 102, when stored at 28 or 38°C, had the same degree of maturity and were edible 4 days after temperature treatments. Fruit firmness under such condition was 2-4 kg/cm2, Total soluble solids stood at 13% or more. Increase in total soluble sugar seemed corresponding to the enhanced activity of α-amlyase at 38°C, but relatively less significant activity was detected at 28°C. however, fruits ripened at 28°C had a good skin and flesh color; bright orange yellow at day 6. Those ripened at 38°C also possessed orange yellow skin by with green patches and some black spots appeared 8 days after treatment. It is concluded that ripened at 28°C could retain a better postharvest quality than those at 25°C or 38°C. |