- Direct Simulation Monte Carlo of Monosilane Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition
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題 名 | Direct Simulation Monte Carlo of Monosilane Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition=蒙地卡羅分子模擬法模擬矽甲烷低壓化學氣相沉積 |
作 者 | 徐啟中; 李良倫; 蔡大翔; | 書刊名 | Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers |
卷 期 | 29:6 1998.11[民87.11] |
頁 次 | 頁427-435 |
分類號 | 460.02 |
關鍵詞 | 蒙地卡羅分子模擬法; 矽甲烷; 低壓; 化學氣相沉積; Silane CVD; High silane; Silylene; Molecular simulation; DSMC; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 我們以分子模擬方法分析,兩片4吋晶圓,間格5釐米的空間內,溫度973K、壓力0.1、1、10 Torr下,矽甲烷化學氣相沉積。氣相反應方面考慮四個反應步驟,其中第一步矽甲烷分解成SiH₂與氫的步驟,作詳細的反應動力模擬;表面反應方面包括SiH₄、 SiH₂、Si₂H₆、Si₃H₈ 四個的沉積反應。矽甲烷的附著係數在所有成膜分子中最低,是矽甲烷化學氣相沉積享有均勻沉積厚度的主要原因, Si₂H₆、 Si₂兩者的附著係數均高,是厚度不均勻的貢獻者。模擬結果顯示,當壓力由0.1增至1 Torr時,發生有趣的Si₂H₆、SiH₂兩者角色互換,當矽甲烷壓力低時,SiH₂更可能碰撞晶圓而沉積,它在沉積速率所佔的份量高於Si₂H₆,但是,當壓力高時,SiH₂傾向於插入SiH₄或 HH₂生成Si₂H₆或SiH₄,因而Si₂H₆取代SiH成為沉積厚度不均勻的主要貢獻者。 |
英文摘要 | Chemical vapor deposition of monosilane between two 4-inch wafers with 5 mm wafer spacing is simulated at molecular level under 973 K and 0.1, 1.0, 10 Torr. Four gas-phase reactions are considered, with a detailed reaction kinetics simulation on the first decomposition step of SiH₄ to yield H₂ and highly reactive SiH₂. Also four surface reactions of SiH₄, SiH₂, Si₂H₆, Si₃H₈ are included in simulation. Monosilane, with its lowest with its lowest sticking coefficients among film-forming species, is the major reason for thickness uniformity over large area in silane CVD. Si₂H₆ and SiH₂, both of higher sticking coefficients, are the contributors of film thickness non-uniformity. The simulation results indicate an interesting role switching between disilane and silylene as SiH₄ pressure varies from 0.1 to 1 Torr. When SiH₄ pressure is low, SiH₂ has a higher probability to impinge on the wafer surface and deposit. Its contribution to deposition rate is higher than that of Si₂H₆. On the other hand, when the pressure is high, SiH₂ tends to insert itself into SiH₄ or H₂ to generate Si₂H₆ or SiH₄. Therefore disilane becomes the primar factor of non-uniformity, instead of dilylene. |