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題 名 | Linking Employee Satisfaction with Customer Satisfaction Based on the Empirical Study in Bank Industry=銀行業員工滿意度、顧客滿意度關聯模式之實證分析 |
作 者 | 楊錦洲; 戴淑賢; 朱健豪; | 書刊名 | 品質學報 |
卷 期 | 23:3 2016.06[民105.06] |
頁 次 | 頁171-180 |
分類號 | 496.7 |
關鍵詞 | 員工滿意度; 組織公民行為; 服務品質; 顧客滿意度; 顧客忠誠度; Employee satisfaction; Organization citizenship behavior; Service quality; Customer satisfaction; Customer loyalty; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 在服務業中,顧客的感受極為重要,服務企業為了具有競爭優勢,透過提供高品質的服務,滿足他們的顧客,使顧客感到滿意並持續消費使公司獲利。也因著服務業員工與客戶的高度互動特性,服務企業首先需要使員工對企業感到滿意、對組織忠誠,甚至具備良好的組織公民行為,才能在服務顧客時提供優質的服務,進而影響顧客對服務企業的認知。因此,本研究提出鏈結員工及顧客的概念架構,以銀行業為實證對象,針對台灣四個知名銀行中的員工以及其服務的顧客進行調查。在員工的部份,我們探討內部服務品質,員工滿意度,員工忠誠度和組織公民行為的關係,顧客部分則探討外部服務品質,顧客滿意度和顧客忠誠度的關係,進而研究員工在提供顧客服務時,是否會因內部服務品質及滿意度的影響,使其有更多的付出,亦即展現其組織公民行為,並因此影響顧客的感知,提升顧客滿意度及忠誠度,進而使公司獲利並使績效得以提昇。依據問卷調查和統計分析結果顯示,因組織公民行為,正面影響外部服務品質及顧客滿意度,也是導致顧客忠誠度的關鍵決定因素。因此,企業需要提供員工內部支援,提升內部的服務品質,以提高員工滿意度及忠誠度,進而使員工具有好的組織公民行為。據此可以使顧客感受到優質的服務品質,進而具有滿意度及忠誠度。在最後,我們使用分層線性模型進行員工與顧客的關聯性分析,證明員工的滿意度是顧客滿意度的關鍵要素。 |
英文摘要 | In order to pursue the competitive advantage, service industries need to satisfy their customers through the provisions of high service quality. Due to the characteristics of service industries that employees highly interact with customers, the service companies need to possess the good organization citizen behaviors, which are affected by the employees' satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore this study first developed a conceptual model which linked up the employee sector and the customer sector. In employee sector we want to investigate the relationships among the internal service quality, employee satisfaction, employee loyalty and the organization citizen behavior, and in customer sector we discuss the relationships among the external service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. Based on the developed model we conducted the empirical study for the bank industry in Taiwan by using questionnaire and the statistical analyses. The analytic results showed that the organization citizen behavior is the critical determinant of the external service quality and customer satisfaction, which is the prerequisite of the customer loyalty. It also concluded that the firms need to enhance the employee satisfaction and even employee loyalty through providing internal service quality for their employees, in order to cultivate the quality culture and better organization citizen behavior. In the final we used the hierarchical linear model to link the employee sector with the customer sector. It is thus that employee satisfaction is the critical essential of the customer satisfaction can be proved. |