題 名 | 木瓜新品種--臺農六號(朱玉)之育成=Breeding of Papaya New Variety--Tainung No.6 |
作 者 | 王德男; 翁瑞亨; 黃基倬; 徐秀鳳; | 書刊名 | 中華農業研究 |
卷 期 | 48:3 1999.09[民88.09] |
頁 次 | 頁65-74 |
分類號 | 435.354 |
關鍵詞 | 木瓜; 果樹; 育種; 品種; 產量; 品質; Carica papaya L.; Papaya; Fruit breeding; Variety; Yield; Quality; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 「臺農六號」木瓜係於1987年以蘇魯一號為母本,日陞為父本雜交,後代經六世代純化,於1994∼1995年進行品系比較試驗,選出品系代號84-19,於1996∼1997年分別在旗山、高樹、山上、六龜等鄉鎮進行區域試驗,深受產銷隻方喜愛,農林廳於1998年3月31日覆審正式通過命名為「臺農六號」,並於6月22日命商品名稱為「朱玉」。臺農六號木瓜新品種莖綠色、葉濃綠、莖節間短(1.8公分)、矮生、結果部位低(66.9公分)適於網室栽植、結果力強(56.5個╱株)、雌性果近圓形、兩性果短梨形、果肉色深橙紅豔麗,肉厚1.9公分、可溶性固形物(糖分)12.0°Brix、果長12.1公分、果徑8.6公分、平均果重445.7公克、株產量25.1公斤。兩性株畸型果0.26%,五裂果及香蕉型果殆無,正常梨形果高達99.7%。果肉利用率69.3%,五至六月少有俗稱"橡皮肉"現象發生。 |
英文摘要 | In 1987, the researchers in Fengshan Tropical Horticultural Experiment Station of TARI made crosses between Solo No. 1 (as female parent ) and Sunrise (as male parent). The offspring's were selfed for six generations. Comparison experiments between lines were made in 1994 and 1995, Regional adaptation tests were preformed in Chisun, Kaoshu, Sunsin and Liukuei in 1996 and 1997 respectively. A selected line of S84-19, favored by both the farmers and consumers, was named as Tainong No.6 by the Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Taiwan Provincial Government on March 31, 1998. Plants of Tainong No.6 was green stem and short (1.8cm) stems, dark green leaves, compact tree size, low fruiting position (66.9cm), very high yield (56.5fruits or 25.1kg per tree). It is very good for net house production. The female fruits are round and short pear-shaped from hermaphrodite plants, respectively. Fruit length and width are 121cm and 8.6cm, respectively, with an average weight of 445.7g per fruit and edible ratio of 69.3%.The flesh is abort 1.9cm thick in dark orange-red color. Total soluble solids concentration is 12%.There is only 0.26% abnormal fruit found in hermaphrodite plants. |