題 名 | 2004年度命名茶樹新品種臺茶19號及臺茶20號試驗報告=Breeding Report of Two 2004 Registered New Tea Cultivar TTES No. 19 and 20 |
作 者 | 蔡俊明; 張清寬; 陳右人; 陳國任; 蔡右任; 邱垂豐; 林金池; 范宏杰; | 書刊名 | 臺灣茶業研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 23 民93.11 |
頁 次 | 頁57-77 |
分類號 | 434.815 |
關鍵詞 | 育種; 品種; 雜交; 產量; 品質; 耐旱; Breed; Cultivar; Hybridization; Yield; Quality; Drought tolerance; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 1962年以青心烏龍為父本,與本場1938年雜交品系中,選出17個優良品系(含臺茶12號),進行人工雜交獲得523株新個體。經苗圃選拔、新個體選拔、新品系比較試驗,至2001年區域試驗完成,於2004年1月9日通過茶樹新品系51-14、51-67二品系,分別命名為臺茶19號及臺茶20號。 前者屬小葉種,中生種,幼芽葉顏色為淡綠色,嫩葉有茸毛(略較臺茶20號為疏),成葉為橢圓型,單位面積茶菁收量較臺茶20號略低,採摘期略遲於臺茶20號。生長勢強,適於中、高海拔茶區種植,屬較不耐旱品種,應適時灌溉,以利根系生長,製造包種茶其色澤翠綠,水色蜜綠亮麗,幽香且滋味甘滑。 後者屬小葉種,中生種,幼芽嫩葉鮮綠略帶紫色,後轉為鮮綠色,嫩葉有茸毛(略較青心屋龍為密),成葉為略長橢圓型,萌芽整齊,單位面積茶菁收量高,但較易纖維化,應於適採期採收完畢。生長勢強,適於低海拔茶區種植,屬較耐旱品種,但在不通風溼度較高環境下,應注意茶餅病及赤葉枯病的危害。製造包種茶,其色澤鮮綠,水色蜜黃清澈,香郁而味強。 |
英文摘要 | Seventeen-selected clone, which were hybrid in 1938, were pollinated with the pollen of 'Chin-Shin-Oolong' in 1962, and 523 seedlings were obtained in 1963. After nursery selection, a new individual test new line test and regional test, two line, 51-14 and 51-67, were named as 'TTES No. 19' and 'TTES No. 20' on 9th January 2004. Both of them are for Paochung tea and belong to the mid-season cultivar. 'TTES No. 19' has light green shoot tip with middle dense of leaf hair, oval to oblong shape mature leaf, strong vigor, less drought resistance, middle to high yield, spring tea harvest date is slightly later than 'TTES No. 20'. The tea made from 'TTES No. 19' had shining green color, blight and honey green liquor with elegant flavor and sweet taste. According to the data in the regional test, 'TTES No.19' is suited for middle to high altitude tea plantations. 'TTES No. 20' has a purplish green shoot tip when the bud just burst then turn blight green, leaf hair is denser then 'TTES No. 19', almost oblong shaped mature leaf, bud burst very uniform, strong vigor, less drought resistance, high yield but the lignification of fresh leaf is very fast, so it had a short harvest period. The tea made from 'TTES No. 20' had shining green color, blight and honey green liquor with good aroma and strong taste. According to the data in the regional test, 'TTES No. 20' is suited for middle to low altitude tea plantations, and should avoid humidity and poorly ventilated areas, and take care of Blister blight and Brown blight. |