題 名 | 永久模鑄造Al-Si系和Al-Si-Mg系合金流動性之研究=Study on the Fluidity of Al-Si and Al-Si-Mg Alloys Cast by Permanent Mold |
作 者 | 胡瑞峰; 潘永寧; 趙令健; | 書刊名 | 鑄工 |
卷 期 | 25:2=101 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁17-26 |
分類號 | 472.21 |
關鍵詞 | 永久模鑄造; Al-Si-Mg系合金; 流動性; 鑄件模數; Permanent mold; Al-Si-Mg alloys; Fluidity; Casting modulus; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要係針對永久模法鑄造之 Al-Si 系和 Al-Si-Mg 系合金,探討 Si 含量 和一些微量元素之添加, 如 Mg (合金強化元素),Sr (共晶矽調質元素)、P (初晶矽 改良元素)和 Ti (晶粒細化元素)等治金參數,以及製程參數如熔液過熱溫度、金屬模模 溫和鑄件模數等對其流動性之影響, 流動性之測定係採用 U 型金屬模流動性測試法( U-type fluidity test )。 由實驗結果顯示, Al-Si 系合金之流動性首先隨著 Si 含量之增加而稍微降低,然後隨 Si 含量之增加而增加,在 16 % Si 達到最大值後,而隨著 Si 含量之增加而降低。對於亞共 晶合金( 5 ∼ 11 % Si )和共晶合金( 11 ∼ 13 % Si )而言, 經 Ti 細化及 Sr 調 質後之流動性較均未處理者佳。但對於過共晶合金( 14 ∼ 20 % Si )而言,添加 Ti 及 P 後,其流動性則較均未添加者差。 而 Al-Si-Mg 系合金由於 Mg 元素之添加,則較同 Si 含量之 Al-Si 系合金流動性佳。 此外,熔液之過熱溫度或金屬模模溫愈高,合金之流動性 則愈佳。又,鑄件模數(或流道厚度)愈大,合金之流動性亦是愈佳。 本研究亦利用 SAS 迴歸分析探討鋁金之流動性與 Si 含量及過熱溫度、模溫、 鑄件模數等 因素之相關性。分析之結果指出,這些參數均對合金之流動性具有正面增進之效果。此外, 本研究提出一速度因子(ξ)以轉換合金之垂直上升流動性為水平流動性,可作為鑄件設計 之參考。另,本研究亦獲致永久模鑄造 Al-Si-Mg 系合金時,垂直上升流動性以及水平流動 性與諸影響因素之迴歸模式,以提供鑄造方案設計之準則。 |
英文摘要 | Research on the fluidity of Al-Si and Al-Si-Mg alloys with various compositions was performed by the U-type permanent mold test. The metallurgical and processing parameters evaluated were the Si content, the additions of minor elements, ie., Mg, Sr, P and Ti, the superheat of melting, the mold temperature and the casting modulus. The results indicate that the fluidity of both alloys decreases slightly as Si content increases, then increases, reaches maxima at 16%Si, and then decreases with futher increases in Si content. Al-Si alloys with hypoeutectic and eutectic compositions that have been grain-refined and Sr- modified exhibit an improved fluidity compared to the untreated Al-Si alloys. However, for Al-Si alloys with hyper-eutectic compositions, grain-refined and P-refined melts have a lower fluidity than do non-refined melts. Also the fludity of Al-Si-Mg alloys, due to the presence of Mg, is higher than that of Al-Si alloys with the same Si content. Furthermore, the fluidity of Al alloys is higher with higher melt superheat and mold temperature. In this study, the fluidity of Al alloys has been correlated with the Si content, the degree of superheat, the mold temperature and the casting modulus. Also, a velocity factor (ξ ) has been proposed to transfer the vertical fluidity into the horizontal fluidity. The correlation of the vertical/horizontal fluidity of Al-Si-Mg alloys in permanent mold with the above-mentioned parameters can provide information for casting design. |