題 名 | 鐵水成份與砂模水份對鐵水流動性影響之研究=Effect of Moisture of Green Sand and Molten Iron Compositions on the Fluidity |
作 者 | 黃立仁; 黃立伍; 施登士; | 書刊名 | 鑄工 |
卷 期 | 25:3=102 1999.09[民88.09] |
頁 次 | 頁19-34 |
分類號 | 472.2 |
關鍵詞 | 水份; 鐵水; 流動性; Moisture; Molten iron; Fluidity; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究利用混練後具不同的水份和不同成份的濕模砂,造模成標準流動性(fluidity) 測試模後,澆鑄熔融球墨鑄鐵和灰鑄鐵鐵水(molten iron)。所要調查參數有鐵水化學成份、 澆鑄溫度、砂模含水份量、砂模成份對球墨鑄鐵和灰鑄鐵流動性及金相組織的影響。並取流 動性流路特定截面作金相組織觀察,來探討熔融鐵水與濕模砂在流路反應後金相組織變化。 綜合分析實驗的數據,可了解熔融鐵水成份在流路和模穴其流動波前(flow front)的成 份損失及溫降的變化,顯著地影響鐵水的實際流動性長度及冷激長度。且流動波前的成份損 失,也影響鑄件的金相組織和鑄件的表面品質。鐵水的流動性隨著澆鑄溫度的增加而增加。 鐵水中含碳、矽、碳當量愈高時,因能促進鐵水的流動性,使流動性的長度隨碳含量的增加 而增加。隨著此含量的增加,鐵水在不同砂模上的冷激長度亦減短。砂模水份對鐵水流動性 的影響,隨著砂模水分的增加而流動性會減少,隨著砂模水分的增加,鐵水在不同砂模上的 冷激長度會增加。渦旋流路鑄件的勃氏硬度與流動長度的關係中,其硬度於入口處最低,隨 著流動長度的增加其硬度亦逐漸增加,且其硬度的曲線趨勢並非呈一定,而是會有高低情況 的趨勢產生。 |
英文摘要 | The effects of pouring temperature and chemical composition of molten iron (ductile and gray iron)with different compositions and moistures of sand molds on the fluidity testing are fully investigated in this study. Green sand will be prepared in the range of bentonite(6-12%), seacoal (1 ╱3 of clay)and dust (6.2% max.). Every batch of green sand poured molten irons for fluidity testing. It measured the flow length and chill length. Microstructures and surface qualities also observed from the effect of changes of chemical composition and green sand during filling the fluidity testing. Experimental results show greater pouring temperature enhances the longer flow distance and chill length. The silicon and carbon changed before and after the runners, induced the difference of flow distance and chill length. Larger moisture of green sand decreased the flow distace and increased the chill length. They also affected on the hardness and micuostructure of the fluidity casting. |