- 北港高區東緣先中新統油氣潛能綜合解釋
- 北港高區東緣先中新統油氣潛能綜合解釋
- The Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Potential of the Pre-Miocene Strata in the A & C Blocks, Off-shore Tai-Hsie, Taiwan
- 北港高區東緣先中新統生油岩潛能分析及油氣移聚初步探討
- 北港高區東緣先中新統構造解釋
- 北港高區東緣先中新統地層斷層演化與封閉分析
- 北港高區東緣先中新統之儲集岩研究
- Assessment of Potential Source Rock of Pre-Miocene Sequence through Seismic Inversion and Seismic Sequence Analysis in C Block, Offshore Taiwan
- 澎湖海域及其附近先中新統油氣生成分析
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Coal Ash Artificial Reefs at Wan-Li, Northern Taiwan
題 名 | 北港高區東緣先中新統油氣潛能綜合解釋=Study of Taiwan's Pre-Miocene Reservoir (Eastern Pei-Kang High)--An Overall Analysis and Interpretation |
作 者 | 吳榮章; 林國安; 梁守謙; 郭政隆; 莊恭周; 楊耿明; 宣大衡; 吳明賢; 陳太山; | 書刊名 | 探採研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 21 1998.11[民87.11] |
頁 次 | 頁242-263 |
分類號 | 457.2 |
關鍵詞 | 油氣潛能評估; 先中新統; 北港高區; 臺灣; Hydrocarbon potential evaluation; Pre-miocene; pei-kang high; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在研究綜合地球化學、地球物理、石油地質等多項資料,分別就北港高區及其東 緣之生油岩、儲集岩、斷層演化及構造封閉詳細分析、解釋,就石油系統觀點,評估其較具 油氣潛能之先中新統有關構造圈合,可提供探勘該地區先中新統標的之重要參考。 整合各種化石、岩相、電測及震測相分析,研究北港高區及其東緣古沉積環境,以配合生油 岩及儲集岩分析,提供建立沉積地質模式參考。 北港-永光-朴子間先中新統生油岩以下部白堊系之上段較佳,但仍多為普通至少量級生油 岩,以產氣為主。萬興-北港南端B斷層與E斷層之間為較好生油岩區,其下部白堊系之上 段有普通級灰部份良好級產氣帶凝結油之生油岩, 目前有機物成熟度 0.7-1.0%Ro,大約於 三百萬年前才開始生成及排放油氣。斗南-民雄間亦可能有一古新統及下部白堊系上段之較 好生油岩區,有機物成熟度 0.8 ∼ 1.2%Ro,其生油岩大多於中新世至上新世才開始生成及 排放油氣。雲嘉大部份地區之侏儸系及白堊系底部生油岩於埔里運動時期(漸新世海退時期 ),即生成及排放油氣並可能儲聚於白堊系儲集岩中。 本區先中新統岩性複雜,砂岩中之次生孔隙普遍存在,主要是由溶蝕作用與裂縫作用產生, 成岩作用受岩性影響較大,與深度之關係較不密切。經研究本區先中新統各項儲集特性,在 民雄三號井至永光一號井間之儲集性質佳,可為該地區油氣探勘之儲集層。 本研究在震測解釋中,以A層頂部、B層頂部及C層頂部(先中斷統不整合面)為主,完成 其時間頂部構造圖,以探討具潛能可能儲集油氣之構造圈合或斷層圈合。斷層系統在北港附 近主要為東西向,至大林區附近轉為東北-西南走向,往古坑方面則以東西向及東北-西南 向交叉顯現,並伴有西北-東南向斷層系統,指示其構造機制並不單純。大林區之斷層系統 可能比解釋之結果更為複雜,需對此區域再詳加解釋,以求進一步研究。 綜合研究本區先中新統油氣潛能,並不如原先之悲觀,值得進一步研究,以應用於探勘作業 上。 |
英文摘要 | Petroleum geochemistry in the middle part of the African continent, including Sudan, Chad, Niger, and southern Nigeria, is reviewed in this study. The hydrocarbon producing area in the Central Africa is mainly characterized by rift basins that are surrounded by shear faults of the late Jurassic and early Tertiary time. Lacustrine facies of massive clastic terrestrial formation is the major source rocks in most of these rift basins. Four major oil-bearing basins, i.e. the Muglad and Melut basins in the central Sudan and the Doba and Doseo basins in the South Chad, have been discovered in this area. The Muglad Basin in Sudan is the largest rift basin in the Central Africa. Two important oil fields, i.e. the Unity and Heglig oil fields, have been discovered. The Abu Gabra and Sharaf formations of early Cretaceous are the most potential source rock. In the Melut Basin, the upper Eocene shale is the major source rock. It has 300 meters in thickness, with the TOC value of 2%. The top of the oil window is at the depth of 2500 m. Source rocks in the Doba Basin in southern Chad have been proved to be the lacustrine shale of the early Cretaceous. The TOC is 2-3% in average and can be as high as 10%. This source rock is mainly oil-prone and contains organic matter of type Ⅲ and type I. The oil window is between 2500 and 5000 m in depth. Two oil fields with recoverable oil reserves of 30 million and 50 million barrels respectively have been discovered in the Doseo Basin. The source rock is the Barremian-Aptian lacustrine shale. The oil window of this source rock is between 2300 and 5000 m. The oil generation and expulsion is prior to the formation of the structures. In Chad, the barremian-Aptian lacustrine shale is a possible source rock in the Bongor Basin though no oil has been discovered so far. In the Salamat Basin, oil has been discovered in the Aoukalel. It is believed that the Barremian-Aptian lacustrine shale is a good oil-prone source rock. The top of oil window is about 2700 m in depth. The Lake Chad, Ngel Edgi, Tefidet, Tenere, Seguedine, and Bilma basins are six isolated grabens in Chad and Niger. Most exploration activities were conducted in the Lake Chad Basin and oil and gas were discovered in the late Cretaceous and early Tertiary reservoirs. The source rock containing organic matters of type Ⅲ is marine shale of late Cretaceous and Paleocene time. The TOC value ranges from 2 to 3% in average. The top of oil window is between 2000 and 2500 m in depth. In Nigeria important source rocks of the Anambra, Benue and Bornu Basins are mostly the Cretaceous shale. |