- 北港高區東緣先中新統地層斷層演化與封閉分析
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- The Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Potential of the Pre-Miocene Strata in the A & C Blocks, Off-shore Tai-Hsie, Taiwan
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- 臺灣地區的油氣儲集斷層封閉
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題 名 | 北港高區東緣先中新統地層斷層演化與封閉分析=Analysis on Fault Evolution and Trap of Pre-Miocene Strata in Eastern Margin of Peikang High |
作 者 | 楊耿明; 梁守謙; 吳榮章; 丁信修; | 書刊名 | 探採研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 21 1998.11[民87.11] |
頁 次 | 頁157-182 |
分類號 | 457.2 |
關鍵詞 | 北港高區; 先中新統; 斷層演化; 斷層封閉; Peikang High; Pre-miocene; Fault evolution; Fault trap; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究接續八十六年度「先中新統沈積環境與油氣生成之探討」之計劃,仍從事 臺灣西部先中新統地層的研究。今年的研究首重北港地區先中新統的地層架構及構造形式的 釐清,再及於北港地區及其東邊地區,尤其是古坑地區的構造形貌解釋,並以此建立北港至 古坑地區的構造演化模式。 北港地區古第三系地層以及白堊系地層接觸的關係乃是半地塹構造所形成的接觸關係,亦即 古第三紀時期的正斷層活動造成斷塊上翹而形成局部白堊系基盤出露,而在斷層的降側則仍 沉積古第三系地層,此因而形成先中新統不整合面直接下覆地層年代呈現始新世-古新世- 白堊紀彼此相錯的現象。 古第三紀的正斷層在民雄之西大致上為東西走向,在靠近民雄之處及以東,則形成東北北- 西南南走向。中新世中期之後發生的正斷層有些是沿著老斷層活動者。在古坑地區的正斷層 大多是中新世中期之後發生者,其走向可分三組,彼此相互交錯,並形成一系列的封閉門構 造。 古第三紀的地層在民雄-斗六之間為最厚,代表該時期沉積中心,可能沉積相當數量的生油 岩。該地層於先中新統不整合面形成之同時形成朝東和朝西抬昇的構造形貌,其中以朝東抬 昇最為明顯,導致始新統地層向東尖滅。該區域性的構造形貌除了受到晚期發育的斷層所分 割之外,並未受到太大的變動。 根據構造的形貌,構造演化的時間以及油氣移棲的方向,古坑地區東側一系列的封閉門構造 值得進一步探勘。 |
英文摘要 | This study is the extension of the 1997 project of "The Investigation on Sedimentary Environments and Hydrocarbon Generation in Pre-Miocene" and continues to work on the study of the Pre-Miocene strata in the western Taiwan. This study first addressed on reconstruction of the stratigraphy architecture and structural style of the Pre-Miocene in the Peikang High. Following that,this study worked on the interpretation of structural features in the Peikang High and the areas extending eastward to the Kukeng area to construct a model of structural evolution for the areas between the Peikang High and the Kukeng. The character of boundary between the Paleogene and the Cretaceous strata in the Peikang High was formed in the half-graben structural setting; i.e., normal faulting during Paleogene period caused tilted faulted block with partially exposed Cretaceous basement on the footwall and Paleogene strata deposited on the hanging wall of the normal fault, and, therefore, directly underlying the Pre-Miocene unconformity are alternately distributed belts of different ages of strata, Eocene, Paleocene and Cretaceous. The Paleogene normal faults strike E-W in the west of the Minhsiung and the strike of the normal faults turns into NNE-SSW where the normal faults are about to reach the Minhsiung. Some of the normal faults that were developed since the Middle Miocene in fact were the reactivated old faults. In the Kukeng area, most of the normal faults were developed since the Middle Miocene and there three sets of strike for the normal faults, which are crosscutting to one another and forming a series of trap door structures. The Paleogene strata are the thickest in the areas between the Minhsiung and Touliou, representing the depocenter during the period and probably accumulating abundant source rocks. The Paleogene strata encountered uptilting toward the east and the west of the depocenter during the period when the Pre-Miocene unconformity was forming; the eastward uptilting was more significant and caused pinchout of the Eocene strata to the east. Such structural features were not severely altered through the later normal faulting, except divided into several blocks by the younger normal faults. According to the analysis on the timing of structural features and evolution and the trend of hydrocarbon migration, we suggest that the structure of a series of trap-doors along the eastern portion of the Kukeng area is worthy to be explored in the future. |