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題 名 | 北港高區東緣先中新統之儲集岩研究=Reservoir Study of the Pre-Miocene Formation on the East Border of Peikang Higt |
作 者 | 莊恭周; 周定芳; | 書刊名 | 探採研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 21 1998.11[民87.11] |
頁 次 | 頁183-195 |
分類號 | 457.2 |
關鍵詞 | 北港高區東緣; 先中新統; 成岩作用; 儲集層特性; Reservoir quality; Pre-miocene; Peikang high; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 由於臺灣陸域油氣均發現於中新統及部份漸新統,對先中新統則較少探勘,近年 因海域 F 構造在先中新統發現大量油氣, 導致中油公司探勘人員重新重視先中新統之油氣 潛能,本研究計劃選定北港高區東緣先中新統之儲集岩為研究目標,希有助於中油公司今後 在該地區之油氣探勘。 本研究首先將井下各項基本資料輸入 GS 軟體中建檔,以提供本研究進行各項電測資料分析 ,並研究區域性之地層深度、厚度與砂層孔隙率分佈。此外並作成岩作用分析,包括岩石薄 片分析、X 光繞射分析與 SEM 分析等以探討本區先中新統之儲集層特性。 研究結果顯示:整合古生物、電測及岩相研究,本研究區之先中新統沈積環境為淺海相,水 深介於 50 至 100 公尺。 成岩作用之特徵是壓密作用、方解石取代及膠結作用、溶蝕作用 與裂縫作用。砂岩中之次生孔隙普遍存在,主要由溶蝕作用與裂縫作用產生,成岩作用受岩 性影響較大,與深度之關係較不密切。綜合各項儲集特性研究,在研究區北端(民雄三號井 至永光一號井間)先中新統之儲集性質佳,可為該區油氣探勘之儲集層。 |
英文摘要 | There is no significant hydrocarbon discovery in the pre-Miocene formations of onshere Taiwan so far because of less exploration activities focusing on this targets. However recently a lot of hydrocarbon has been discovered from the pre-Miocene formation of the F structure, offshore southwestern Taiwan that activates the hydrocarbon exploration of the pre-Miocene formation. This study selects the pre-Miocene formation on the east border of Peikang High as study area and focus on reservoir qualities. The reservoir characteristics are studied in three approaches. They include: (1) interpretation of the stratigraphy, lithology and electric log data using the GS software package; (2) statistical analysis of the depth of formation top, the thickness and porosity of sandstones derived from gamma ray and sonic logs, (3) diagenetic study of the sandstones by thin section, x-ray diffraction and SEM. Based on the palaeontology, electric log interpretion and lithofacies study, sedimentary environment of the pre-Miocene formation in the studied area is shallow marine with the water depth from 50 to 100 meters. The diagenetic processes of sandstones consist of compaction, calcite replacement and cementation, dissolution and fracturing. The secondary porosities due to dissolution and fracturing are common. Lithology affects the reservoir diagenesis strongly and the contribution of depth to reservoir diagenesis is minor in the study area. According to the integrated study of the pre-Miocene formation, the reservoir quality is good in the northern part of the study area (between the MH-1 and YK-1 well) that is favorable to the hydrocarbon exploration. |