- 北港高區東緣先中新統生油岩潛能分析及油氣移聚初步探討
- 北港高區東緣先中新統構造解釋
- 北港高區東緣先中新統油氣潛能綜合解釋
- 北港高區東緣先中新統地層斷層演化與封閉分析
- 北港高區東緣先中新統之儲集岩研究
- 北港高區東緣先中新統油氣潛能綜合解釋
- The Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Potential of the Pre-Miocene Strata in the A & C Blocks, Off-shore Tai-Hsie, Taiwan
- Assessment of Potential Source Rock of Pre-Miocene Sequence through Seismic Inversion and Seismic Sequence Analysis in C Block, Offshore Taiwan
- 澎湖海域及其附近先中新統油氣生成分析
- Velocity Structure, Seismicity, and Fault Structure in the Peikang High Area of Western Taiwan
題 名 | 北港高區東緣先中新統構造解釋=Structrual Interpretation for the Pre-Miocene Formations in the Eastern Margin of Peikang High |
作 者 | 梁守謙; 楊耿明; 吳明賢; 陳太山; | 書刊名 | 探採研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 21 1998.11[民87.11] |
頁 次 | 頁226-241 |
分類號 | 457.2 |
關鍵詞 | 北港高區; 先中新統; Peikang high; Pre-miocene; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要是以北港至古坑附近之震測資料為主,尋找先中新統可能之儲油氣封 閉構造, 根據陳太山( 1998 )之東西向震測線連線 AA' 之震測剖面解釋,本區於先中新 統中摘取三個反射層分別為A層頂部、B層頂部及C層頂部(先中新統不整合面),依 AA' 剖面震測解釋之結果,於大林與永光之間有一凹槽,而此凹槽所形成油氣有可能向西移棲並 為南北向斷層所封閉或向東移棲儲存於斷層封閉或斷層-地層聯合封閉中。 根據震測資料解釋A層頂部構造圖之結果,於北港附近斷層走向主要以東西向為主,向東至 大林附近斷層型式轉為主要以東北-西南向為主,至古坑區附近則變成東西向及以東北-西 南向及西北-東南向併存, 而凹槽正如 AA' 震測剖面解釋所推測位於大林與永光之間,凹 槽之走向可能為東北-西南向,最深處可能仍在北側,至於凹槽詳細之分佈情形,則有需進 一步詳細研究。 依地化研究本區域於先中新統較有潛能之地區可能位於大林附近,A層或凹槽形成之油氣亦 可能為B層頂部或先中新不整合面所封閉,本研究於大林附近找到B層頂部之斷層封閉其封 閉面積約為 4.5 平方公里,而先中新統不整合面亦有斷層封閉,但是面積過小; 而於古坑 附近B層頂部有斷層封閉與斷層-地層聯合封閉,而於先中新統不整面中亦有斷層封閉,由 於於 YK-1 中發現油氣,故古坑區值得進一步詳細研究。 |
英文摘要 | The seismic data between Peikang and Kukeng is used to do the seismic interpretation for this study and the goal of this study is to find the potential hydrocarbon traps in the pre-Miocene formations in the studying area. The profile AA' is trending EW and across the study area. According to interpretation of the profile AA', there are three formations in the pre-Miocene and the formations are formation A, formation B and formation C (the top of formation C is the pre-Miocene unconformity). There is a recession near the east of the profile AA', the hydrocarbon generated in the recession maybe migrated toward west and trapped by faults, or maybe migrated toward east and trapped by faults or by fault-stratigraphic traps. Based on time structural map of the top of formation A, strike of the faults around Peikang is mainly E-W, strike of the main fault around Talin is EN-WS, and the structural trends around Kukeng are E-W, EN-WS and WN-ES. The location of the recession is between Talin and Yongguang, the structural trend of the recession maybe is EN-WS, and the deepest part of the recession may be in the north of the study area. Geochemical study suggests that, the potential area for trapping the hydrocarbon is around Talin. The hydrocarbon generated in the recession or generated in the formation A may be trapped by the top of formation B or trapped by the pre-Miocene unconformity. There is a fault trap by the EN-WS fault on the time structural map of the top of formation B around Talin and the area of the closure is about 4.5 km. There also exists some small fault traps on the time structural map of the pre-Miocene unconformity around Talin. There are some fault traps and fault-stratigraphic traps on the time structural map of the top of formation B around Kukeng and we need more detailed study in this area. |