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題 名 | 鹼處理對鴨蛋蛋白成分之影響=Effect of Alkalization Treatment on the Components of Duck Egg Albumen |
作 者 | 蘇和平; 林慶文; | 書刊名 | 中國畜牧學會會誌 |
卷 期 | 27:2 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁271-282 |
分類號 | 463.76 |
關鍵詞 | 鹼處理; 鴨蛋蛋白; 卵白蛋白; 伴白蛋白; 卵球蛋白; Alkalization treatment; Duck egg albumen; Ovalbumin; Conalbumin; Ovoglobulin; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 皮蛋是一種典型蛋白鹼膠化製品,鴨蛋蛋白經過適當鹼化(pH 12.0~12.8)後,可得 良好膠體,過鹼會導致蛋白膠體之再液化則不成皮蛋。本研究藉Sepharose CL-4B膠體過濾、 聚丙烯醯胺電氣泳動、示差掃熱析(DSC)以及蛋白質粒徑、硫氫基及疏水性基含量等測定, 期了解鴨蛋蛋白成分經鹼處理後之變化情形。結果顯示:新鮮鴨蛋蛋白經鹼處理後,由膠體 過濾得知蛋白中之成分有交互作用,並有高分子複合物生成,當pH超過13.0時高分子複合 物明顯解離。由聚丙烯醯胺膠體電氣泳動結果知伴白蛋白自pH 12.2以上開始消失,而卵白 蛋白則自pH 12.8以上開始部分消失。由DSC測定知伴白蛋白及卵白蛋白之變性溫度會受 鹼處理而降低。由蛋白質粒徑測定知鴨蛋蛋白經鹼處理後蛋白質粒徑變大,至於硫氫基及硫 水性基含量則隨鹼處理而改變。 |
英文摘要 | Pidan (one-thousand-year egg) is a kind of traditional Chinese-style alkalized duck egg product. It is known that after alkalization treatment (pH 12.0~12.8), fresh duck egg albumen would form a good gel. When the pH exceeds 13.0, the compounds of gel would clearly disperse. The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the effects of alkalization treatment on the protein components of duck egg albumen. These changes were determined through gel filtration, electrophoresis, differential scanning calorimeter, scanning electron microscopy and particle size analyzer. Results showed coalbumin began to disappear at pH 12.2, and ovalbumin began to partially disappeare at pH 12.8. The denaturating temperatures for conalbumin and ovalbumin were reduced. Protein particle sizes were increased. After proper alkalinization (pH 10.0~13.5), the sulfhydryl (SH) content of duck egg albumen was reduced. But when the pH of duck egg albumen was 10.0~2.0, the ANS hydrophobic content was increased. |