題 名 | 技職教育與通識教育二元對立的消解--從技職教育的專業性來審視=The Resolving of the Dualism of Liberal V.S. Vocational Education: An Argument from the Professional Characters of Vocational Education |
作 者 | 簡成熙; | 書刊名 | 通識教育季刊 |
卷 期 | 5:2 民87.06 |
頁 次 | 頁37-50 |
分類號 | 528.81 |
關鍵詞 | 通識教育; 博雅教育; 技職教育; 教育哲學; General education; Liberal education; Vocational education; Philosophy of education; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 技職教育與博雅或通識教育長時間來一直處於二元對立。本文之目的即在於提出 一項論證以消解此一對立之情形。論文首先指出傳統主張通識教育的三種立場:永恆主義馬瑞 坦之教育觀、哈佛報告書以及分析派教育學者赫斯特等之看法。這些立場都有意無意的貶低 了技職教育,適足以造成二元對立。筆者從技職教育的「專業」取向為出發,指出其知識性 與倫理特性都可形塑技職教育的通識精神。易言之,如能仔細建構專業取向而非只是技術訓 練的技職課程,也將能發揮通識之理想,傳統通識與技職教育二元對立的情形也多少可以弭 平。 |
英文摘要 | The dualism of liberal vs vocational education seems very common in educational history. The purpose of this paper is to provide an argument to resolve the dichotomy by emphasizing the profession in vocational education. As we know, there are three popular claims of general education—the Maritain's educational view in perennialism, Harvard Red Book, and the liberal education view by Hirst. Although these three claims emphasize the importance of general education, the researcher think they debase the vocational education potentially. And that results in the dualism of liberal vs vocational education. If we clarify the professional concept in vocational education and highlight vocational knowledge from different discipline and particular professional ethics, then we can establish the spirit of general education in vocational education and resolve the dualism between them. |