題 名 | 技職教育與通識教育兼顧的初探=Preliminary Consideration to Both Technological & Vocational Education and General Education |
作 者 | 陳炳延; 經觀榮; 王興芳; | 書刊名 | 樹德學報 |
卷 期 | 25 2000.03[民89.03] |
頁 次 | 頁185-202 |
分類號 | 528.8 |
關鍵詞 | 技職教育; 通識教育; Technological & vocational education; General education; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 高等教育的偏重理論專業化,技職院校的訓練出一批批「只會動手的機器人」, 只會操作管理電腦、機器,卻不會管理自己、管理別人,知識侷限於一隅,欠缺人文、社 會、藝術方面的認知與溝通、表達、領導能力等通識教育,甚至使社會與人皆為之物化, 更造成社會問題的叢出不窮。故為健全國內教育應扭轉技職體系偏向以技術為導向的教育 理念,而應當通識教育與實用教育並重的教育體系,才是培養一技之長的場所,也是發展 學生健全人格的園地。其次,就校園內專業課程所強調的重點,並針對企業用人考量的分 析,卻發現專業能力並非企業最強調或重視的唯一因素,而往往更強調的是其他一些要件 ,如就樹德工商專科學校畢業班同學及校友的就業或再就學意向的調查分析,發現有 1╱2∼1╱3皆無意再延續本科所學,此顯示教育資源的浪費與技職教育的專業課程未 必能完全符合同學的性向、興趣、就業及再升學的需求,而有賴通識教育的實施補其所缺 。為彌補專業教育的偏失,在大學方面已推展通識教育,而對技職體系的需要性,則彙集 幾所技職院校對通識教育實施的理念、目標、規劃以為佐證。最後則建議為要防止人的物 化,使教育成為一種「全人」或「成人」化的過程,在技職教育的規劃上,應以通識教育 來輔助專業課程,達到專業與通識的平衡、學養與人格的平衡、個體與群體的平衡及身心 的平衡。 |
英文摘要 | While higher education focuses on curricular specialization, technological & vocational colleges or universities foster group after of group of graduates like robots, who can do nothing but manipulate computers or machines; in other words, they neglect how to handle themselves or others. Absorbing the knowledge they major in, students have no idea of general education including the recognition and communication in the field of ther humanities, society, and art. All of the efforts make the association between society and human beings substantiated and even cause a variety of social problems. Therefore, technological & vocational education should be based on practical technique for educational idea and exactly combine general education with practical education. Then vocational education will not only become a place to have some professional skill but a field to rain sound character for students. Moreover, special curriculum in school is not the only factor of personnel affairs in the enterprise. Other attributions may be more important for the enterprise. The questionnaire done by this year's graduates and alumni from shu-teh Junior College of technology and Commerce, according to their occupations or intention to reeducate, shows one-third of samples have no desire to last what they major in. This result indicates education can't cater for students' aptitude, interest, and career, and requirement of reeducating. To correct the previous imperfections, general education is necessary for curriculum. To remedy the weaknesses in professional education, universities have classes for general education. As for the systems of technological & vocational education, the ideas, objectives and projects of fulfillment in general education will be collected from some technological & vocational colleges or universities. Educating "all-around beings" or "complete beings" in education is a way to prevent the human from being substantiated. So some courses of general education should be considered in the project for technological & vocational curriculum. Them it is easy to attain the balance between specialty and generality, individual and group, body and mind. |