- 油脂中游離態脂肪酸及總脂肪酸之簡易定量分析
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題 名 | 油脂中游離態脂肪酸及總脂肪酸之簡易定量分析=Simple Method for Determination of Free Fatty Acids and Total Fatty Acids in Fats and Oils |
作 者 | 王美苓; 李敏雄; 鍾玉明; | 書刊名 | 中國農業化學會誌 |
卷 期 | 35:6 1997.12[民86.12] |
頁 次 | 頁581-595 |
分類號 | 466.11 |
關鍵詞 | 油脂; 游離態脂肪酸; 總脂肪酸; 氣相層析; 直接注入法; 定量分析; Fats and oils; Free fatty acids; Total fatty acids; Direct injection; Gas chromatography; Quantitative analysis; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究建立了利用氣相層析直接注入油脂樣品, 分析其中游離態脂肪酸( free fatty acids ); 及先將油脂樣品皂化水解成游離態脂肪酸( total fatty acids )之簡 易分析定量方法。以十七碳脂肪酸( heptadecanoic acid, C17: 0 )作為內標準品,各種 脂肪酸( C12:0-C22:6 )之檢出極限從 0.17 ug/mL 至 1.79 ug/mL。在添加回收試驗中, 分別添加各種游離離脂肪酸( C12:0-C20:4) 於大豆沙拉油樣品中,直接注入 GC 分析;或 添加各種脂肪酸於大豆沙拉油先經皂化後注入 GC 分析, 兩者之脂肪酸回收率均在 95-103 %之間,變異係數在 5 %以下。以上結果顯示,本研究方法之精確性相當高。 以本研究方 法分析各種油脂,包括大豆油、豬油、米糠油、花生油和魷魚內臟油等之游離脂肪酸及總脂 肪酸含量。 結果顯示, 各種油脂中之游離脂肪酸介於 6-178 mg/g 之間, 而總脂肪酸在 567-766 mg/g 之間。 |
英文摘要 | In this study, a simple and rapid method for determination of free fatty acids in fats and oils, without conversion to methyl ester derivatives, was carried out. This method employs splitless direct injection gas chromatography with a megabore polar column (DB-wax, 30 m × 0.53 mm). The recoveries of the added fatty acids (C12-C20) were found to be 95-103% with coefficients of variation less than 5%. This method can be used for the determination of total fatty acids as well if the oil sample be subjected to saponification in advance. Various samples, including soybean oil, lard, rice bran oil, peanut oil and squid viseral oil, were quantitatively analyzed for the total and free fatty acids, and their relative compositions wre determined using this method. The total fatty acids of these oils and fats were found to be 567-766 mg/g. The contents of free fatty acids in the fats and oils were found to be 6-178 mg/g. |