題 名 | 後設認知閱讀策略對國小閱讀障礙兒童閱讀理解能力之研究 |
作 者 | 周台傑; 詹文宏; | 書刊名 | 特殊教育與復健學報 |
卷 期 | 4 1995.06[民84.06] |
頁 次 | 頁109-152 |
分類號 | 529.5 |
關鍵詞 | 後設認知閱讀策略; 國小; 閱讀障礙兒童; 理解能力; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要目的在探討閱讀障礙兒童接受後設認知自問自答和畫重點策略教學,對其閱讀理解能力的影響。研究方法採單一受試實驗設計模式中跨個人的多基線設計(multiple-baseline across individuals)進行研究。研究樣本為臺中市光復國小八十二學年度「閱讀障礙資源班」五年級的閱讀障礙兒童共六名。依學生的實足年齡、智商、國語文能力測驗等配對條件取樣,每三人配成一組;共分成兩組,一組指導後設認知自問自答策略,另一組指導後設認知畫重點策略。處理期每位受試者每週評量兩次,共四週。保留期一週,共評量八次。所得研究資料,用C統計和目視分析法來分析結果,研究結果如下: 一、 閱讀障礙兒童接受後設認知自問自答策略的教學,其閱讀理解測驗分數有顯著增加的趨向。 二、 閱讀障礙兒童接受後設認知自問自答策略的教學,經過42天之後,仍有保留的效果。 三、 閱讀障礙兒童接受後設認知畫重點策略的教學,其閱讀理解測驗分數有顯著增加的趨向。 四、 閱讀障礙兒童接受後設認知畫重點策略的教學,經過42天之後,仍有保留的效果。最後根據研究發現提出教學上和未來研究之建議。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of self-questioning and underlining strategies in improving the reading comprehension ability for students with reading disabilities. The single-subject experimental design of multiple-baseline across individuals was used. The subjects were six fifth grade students with reading disabilities in resource room. Two groups were divided according to age、I.Q. and reading comprehension ability. The self-questioning instruction and underlining instruction were provided for intervention. Each child received intervention twice a week for four weeks. Finally, a follow-up sessions was conducted eight times a week for one week. Datas was analyzed by C statistic and visual analysis. The results were as follows: 1. The self-questioning instruction showed effects on increasing significantly trend in reading comprehension test scores for students with reading disabilities. 2. The self-questioning instruction had maintenance effects for students with reading disabilities after 42 days. 3. The underlining instruction increased significantly in reading comprehension test scores for students with reading disabilities. 4. The underlining instruction had maintenance effects for students with reading disabilities after 42 days. Finally, suggestion for teaching and future studies, based on the results of this research were discussed. |