題 名 | PASS認知歷程模式在國小閱讀障礙兒童認知歷程分析上之應用=The Application of PASS Cognitive Processing Model in the Assessment of Elementary School Students with Reading Disabilities |
作 者 | 簡明建; | 書刊名 | 特殊教育研究學刊 |
卷 期 | 16 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁225-245 |
分類號 | 529.69 |
關鍵詞 | PASS認知歷程; 國小; 閱讀障礙兒童; 計畫; 注意; 平行處理; 序列處理; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | PASS認知歷程乃指計畫(Planning)、注意(Attention)、平行處理(Simultaneous) 和序列處理 (Successive) 歷程而言。 本研究旨在以 PASS 認知歷程模式探討閱讀障礙兒童和一般兒童認知歷程的差異。研究者首 先從臺北市十一所國小五年級中挑選 40 名閱讀障礙兒童與 40 名與其對照的一般兒童,並 從國內現有測驗中挑選六個符合 PASS 理論架構的現有測驗,研究者再自行編製六個分測驗 ,彙整成為「兒童認知歷程評量工具」,施測於閱讀障礙兒童與一般兒童,最後再以單因子 多變量變異數分析、區辨分析等統計方法進行資料分析。本研究主要發現如下: 1.閱讀障礙兒童和一般兒童在認知歷程上有顯著差異:其差異主要表現在計畫歷程、語文 的平行處理歷程及序列處理歷程,前者不如後者;就 PASS 分測驗而言,此差異表現在「找 找看作業」、「填填看作業」、「配配看作業」、「語文關係」、「指指看作業」、「語詞 記憶」、「記憶廣度」等七個分測驗上。 2. PASS 認知歷程能力可區辦閱讀障礙兒童和一般兒童: 若以四種分歷程來區辨, 可達 77.5% 的正確率,其中以語文的平行處理能力,語文的序列處理能力,以及計畫能力較具區 別力; 若以十二個分測驗來區辦,可達 87.5% 的正確率,其中以「語文關係」、「語詞記 憶」、「配配看作業」以及「找找看作業」四個分測驗較具區別力。 根據研究結果,研究者提出若干在教育行政、教學輔導及未來研究上之建議。 |
英文摘要 | PASS refers to the cognitive process entailing planning, attention, simultaneous, and successive processing, which was proposed by Naglieri & Das(1988,1990). The purposes of the study were to investigate the cognitive process differences between regular children and children with reading disabilities. A total of 80 subjects, comprised of 40 regular children and 40 children with reading disabilities from fifth grade in 11 elementary schools in Taipei, participated in the study. They were tested by the "Test Battery of Children's Cognitive Process" developed by the researcher. The obtained data were analyzed by one-way MANOVA and discriminant analysis. The major findings were as follows: There were significant differences between the two groups in the "Test Battery of Children's Cognitive Process", mainly in seven subtests, the special group was inferior to the regular group in "looking around", "filling the bland", "matching", "verbal relations", "pointing", "linguistic memory", "memory span". In terms of PASS, such differences were manifested in planning, simultaneous and successive linguistic processing. PASS successfully discriminated these two groups. Using the twelve subtests, accuracy in discrimination reached to 87.5%; using the four cognitive processing, the accuracy in discrimination was 75%. Among them, simultaneous and successive linguistic processing and planing were especially powerful. Limits of the research and its implications for educational administration, instruction and future research were discussed. |