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題 名 | 國小學童閱讀理解策略、閱讀理解歸因與閱讀理解能力相關之研究=A Study of the Relationship between the Reading Comprehension Attribution, and Reading Comprehension Ability of the Elementary School Children |
作 者 | 黃瓊儀; | 書刊名 | 國民教育研究學報 |
卷 期 | 2 1996.06[民85.06] |
頁 次 | 頁107-149 |
分類號 | 521.12 |
關鍵詞 | 國小; 學童; 閱讀理解歸因; 閱讀理解策略; 閱讀理解能力; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在了解目前國民小學學童閱讀理解策略、閱讀理解歸因與閱讀理解能力之關係,不同閱讀理解策略的運用與閱讀理解歸因方式之差異,高、低閱讀理解能力學童在理解策略的運用與理解歸因方式之差異,以及閱讀理解策略、閱讀理解歸因對閱讀理解能力之影響。 本研究乃以嘉義市宣信國民小學259位四、五、六年級學童為研究對象,以「閱讀理解測驗」「閱讀理解策略問卷」與「閱讀理解歸因量表」為研究工具,所得資料以t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、多元迴歸與減縮迴歸分析模式進行處理。本研究有下列主要之發現: 一•閱讀理解策略、閱讀理解歸因與閱讀理解能力之關係 1.閱讀理解策略與閱讀理解能力之關係方面,除了自詢策略和閱讀理解 能力沒有相關以外,其餘的閱讀理解策略和閱讀理解能力均有顯著正相關。 2.閱讀理解歸因與閱讀理解能力之關係方面,除失敗-不努力的歸因與閱讀理解成就沒有相關以外,其餘的失敗歸因因素和閱讀理解表現均有顯著負相關。在成功的歸因方面,除了成功-運氣奸和閱讀理解成就沒有相關以外,其餘的成功歸因因素和閱讀理解表現均有顯著正相關。 3.閱讀理解歸因與閱讀理解策略之關係方面,除失敗-困難和劃線策略、預測策略及自詢策略有顯著正相關,失敗-能力差和摘要策略、預測策略、結構分析及補救策略有顯著負相關以外,其餘失敗歸因和策略使用之間的相關均未達顯著水準。在閱讀成功的因果歸因方式,所有閱讀成功的歸因方式均和劃線策略、摘要策略、預測策略,結構分析、自詢策略及補救策略的使用有顯著正相關。 二•團小學童在不同閱讀理解策略運用上興不同閱讀理解歸因方式上之差異 1.國小學童在不同閱讀理解策略運用上,預測策略與補救策略為學童使用最多的兩種理解策略,而摘要策略與自詢策略,是學童較不常使用的兩種閱讀理解策略。 2.在不同閱讀理解歸因方式上,國小學童最常將閱讀理解歸因於成功-努力,而最不常將閱讀理解歸因於失敗-能力差。 三•高、低閱讀理解能力學童在閱讀理解策略運用與閱讀理解歸因方式之差異 1.在劃線策略、摘要策略、預測策略、結構分析與補救策略的使用上,高閱讀理解兒童顯著高於低閱讀理解兒童,在自詢策略的使用上則無顯著差異。 2.在失敗-能力差、運氣差及成功-運氣好的歸因上,高閱讀理解學生顯著低於低閱讀理解學生。在閱讀成功-努力的歸因上,高閱讀理解學生顯著高於低閱讀理解學生• 四•閱讀理解策略、閱讀理解歸因對閱讀理解能力之影響 閱讀理解策略與閱讀理解歸因可顯著預測閱讀理解能力12.95%,而其中「成功-努力」、「成功-容易」、r失敗-能力差」、「失敗-運氣差」、「結構分析」、「預測策略」、「劃線策略」與「成功-能力好」才是影響學童閱讀理解成就之重要因素。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to understand (1) the relation- ship between the reading comprehension strategies, reading comprehension attribution, and reading comprehension ability, (2) students' use of reading comprehension strategies and reading comprehension attribution. (3) the different use of strategies and attribution between high-ability readers and low-ability readers, and (4) the effect of reading comprehension strategies and attribution on reading comprehension ability. The subjects were 259 fourth, fifth and sixth grade students in Shan Sing Elementary School in the Chiayl City of Taiwan. The results of this study were as follows: I. The relationship between reading comprehension strategies reading comprehension attribution, and reading comprehension ability: 1.There was significantly positive correlation between reading comprehension strategies. 2.There was significantly negative correlation between failure attribution factors and reading comprehension ability, except the failure-without effort attribution factor. There was significantly positive correlation between suceess attribution factors and reading comprehension ability except the success-good luck attribution factor, 3. There was significantly positive correlation between all success attribution factors and six reading comprehension strategies. There was no siginificant correlation between most failure-attribution factors and reading comprehension strategies. II. Students' use of reading comprehension strategies and reading comprehension attribution: 1.Students used predicting strategy and remedying strategy most often, and summarizing strategy and self-questioning strategy least 2.Students used success-effort attribution most often, and failure-poor ability attribution least. III. The different use of strategies and attribution between high-ability readers and low-ability readers: 1.High-ability readers were significantly higher than low- ability readers in the use of underlining strategy, summarizing strategy predicting strategy, stucturing analysis strategy, and remedying strategy, but there was no significant difference in the use of self-questioning strategy. 2. High-ability readers were significantly lower than low-ability readers in the use of failure-poor ability, failure-luck-less, and success-good luck attribution, but high-ability readers were significantly higher than low-ability readers in the use of success-effort attribution. IV. The effect of reading comprehension strategies and reading comprehension attribution on reading comprehension ability: Reading comprehension strategies and reading comprehension attribution significantly predict 12.95% of reading comprehension ability. The variables of success-effort, success-easy, failure -poor ability, failure-luckless, structure analysis. predicting strategy, remedying strategy, underlining strategy and success-good in ability were important factors of affecting. students' reading comprehension ability. |