- Simetryne對水稻硝酸還原酵素及腺膘呤核苷三磷酸分解酵素活性之影響
- Relations Between Nitrate Reductase Activity and Growth of Rice Seedlings
- 低水溫下水稻種子發芽及生長機構之研究(1):Gibberellic Acid (GA[feb0])種子處理對發芽、生長及澱粉分解酵素活性之影響
- Treatment of High-Strength Nitrate Wastewater in Different Biological Denitrification Systems
- 不同氮肥型態對酸性紅壤硝化作用之影響
- The Fluctuation of Carbohydrates and Nitrogen Compounds in Flooded Wax-apple Trees
- Effect of Ammonium Nitrate on the Heterocyst Differentiation and Nitrogen Fixing Activity of Anabaena HA 101
- 溫度對不同粒重水稻品種穎果浸潤、澱粉分解酶活性及秧苗生育之影響
- 稻田田水殘留之百速隆(pyrazosulfuron-ethyl)引起非目標作物藥害之潛力
- 日週期對植物體中硝酸離子吸收及累積之影響