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題 名 | Treatment of High-Strength Nitrate Wastewater in Different Biological Denitrification Systems=高濃度硝酸鹽廢水生物脫硝處理之比較研究 |
作 者 | 陳秋楊; 陳幸德; 沈元中; 邱俊茂; 程相如; | 書刊名 | 中國環境工程學刊 |
卷 期 | 8:2 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁117-128 |
分類號 | 445.463 |
關鍵詞 | 活性污泥; 脫硝; 流體化床; 固定細胞; 硝酸鹽; 掃瞄電子顯微鏡; Activated sludge; Denitrification; Fluidized-bed reactor; Immobilized cell; Nitrate; Scanning electron microscope; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
英文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討含高濃度硝酸鹽廢水採用生物處理方法以去除廢水中氮化合物的 效率,使用三種反應器型式:活性污泥系統(ASR)、活性碳流體化床(BAFBR)、上流式固定 細胞反應器(UICR)。在氮化合物的轉化過程,第一階段硝酸鹽反應屬零階反應,第二階脫 亞硝酸鹽反應屬半階反應,且後者為脫硝反應之速率限制要素。由掃瞄式電子顯微鏡觀察結 果,在不同操作條件下,微生物相的差異不大,但以桿菌群為主。操作末期發現,固定細胞 的微生物生長大都以生物膜型式附著在固定細胞外表。穩定操作結果顯示,BAFBR可承受 最高的容積負荷(達30 kg N/m -d),其次為UICR系統,乃因反應器型式及固定細胞的使用 材料所致,而ASR系統由於污泥濃度較低,故容積負荷僅為1 kg N/m -d。 centration, which is also the rate limiting step of the reaction. Under different operating conditions, slight changes in microbial species are detected by a Scanning Electron Microscope. However, growth of the dominant species, such as the bacillus group, remains superior among all cases. Investigations on immobilized cells reveal the growth of biofilms on the surface of these cells at the end of operation period. Based upon the steady-state results, the volumetric load of BAFBR is the highest (up to 30 kg N/m -d), followed by UICR, since the treatment efficiency depends on the material of immobilized cells as well as on the type of reactor. The lowest volumetric load is that of ASR (only 1 kg N/m -d) because its sludge concentration is the lowest. |