- Two Assessment Tools for Sensory Organization Ability in Adolescent Rhythmic Gymnasts
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題 名 | Two Assessment Tools for Sensory Organization Ability in Adolescent Rhythmic Gymnasts=兩種感覺整合能力評估工具運用於韻律體操選手 |
作 者 | 陳惠雅; 張曉昀; 朱彥穎; 曹涵婷; | 書刊名 | 體育學報 |
卷 期 | 50:3 2017.09[民106.09] |
頁 次 | 頁327-337 |
分類號 | 994.13 |
關鍵詞 | 兒童平衡感覺統整臨床測試; 站立平衡; 感覺整合測驗; Paediatric clinical test of sensory interaction for balance; Adolescent; Rhythmic gymnasts; Sensory organization test; Standing balance; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 緒論:感覺整合測驗(SOT)以及兒童平衡感覺統整臨床測試(PCTSIB)用以量化在感覺衝突情況下保持平衡的能力,本研究目的在於評估這兩個評估工具的相關性以及探索他們在青少年韻律體操選手的表現分佈特徵。方法:十五名已接受專業訓練超過九個月的女性韻律體操選手(15.0±1.8歲)接受一次的評估測驗。感覺整合測驗(SOT)以及兒童平衡感覺統整臨床測試(PCTSIB)各有六個相對應的感覺情況,感覺整合測驗(SOT)儀器的電腦會自動根據受試者搖晃角度算出平衡分數,兒童平衡感覺統整臨床測試(PCTSIB)則需要手動計時(保持平衡時間)並搭配搖晃角度的觀察產生摘要分數。結果:感覺整合測驗(SOT)情況一至六的平衡分數分別為95.5±1.4、93.0±2.1、93.8±1.6、89.7±4.0、62.9±9.7和74.0±8.8%。韻律體操選手在感覺整合測驗(SOT)情況一至三站在穩定平面上時,表現的分佈很窄並且有天花板校應,顯著的天花板校應也出現在兒童平衡感覺統整臨床測試(PCTSIB)情況一、二、三、四和六的保持平衡時間,以及情況一和四張眼時的摘要分數。相關分析結果顯示,感覺整合測驗(SOT)和兒童平衡感覺 統整臨床測試(PCTSIB)(保持平衡時間)只有在情況五閉眼站在不穩平面上時有中度相關(Rho = 0.61)。結論:雖然感覺整合測驗(SOT)以及兒童平衡感覺統整臨床測試(PCTSIB)有類似的設計理念,他們的結果缺乏相關性,這可能是因為應用於韻律體操選手時的天花板校應;我們建議在實驗室中使用感覺整合測驗(SOT)情況四至六、或在田野測試中使用兒童平衡感覺統整臨床測試(PCTSIB)情況五的保持平衡時間來評估青少年韻律體操選手的感覺整合能力。 |
英文摘要 | Introduction: The Sensory Organization Test (SOT) and the Paediatric Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction for Balance (PCTSIB) quantify the ability to maintain balance in the presence of sensory conflicts. The purposes of this study were to evaluate the comparability of these two assessment tools and to explore their distribution characteristics in adolescent rhythmic gymnasts. Methods: Fifteen female rhythmic gymnasts (15.0±1.8 yr.) who had received professional training for at least nine months were assessed in a single session. There were corresponding six sensory conditions in the SOT and PCTSIB tests. The SOT equipment automatically outputs computer-generated equilibrium scores based on the participant’s sway angle, whereas the PCTSIB involves manual timing (holding time), which can be combined with observation of sway angle to generate the performance score (summary score). Results: The equilibrium scores of the SOT Conditions 1 to 6 of the rhythmic gymnasts were 95.5 ± 1.4, 93.0 ± 2.1, 93.8 ± 1.6, 89.7 ± 4.0, 62.9 ± 9.7, and 74.0 ± 8.8%, respectively. Rhythmic gymnasts’ performance in SOT Conditions 1 to 3, with firm support, revealed narrow distributions of performance and ceiling effects. Notable ceiling effects were also evident in the holding time of PCTSIB Conditions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6, as well as in the summary score of PCTISB Conditions 1 and 4 with eyes open. Only Condition 5 of the PCTSIB (holding time) was related to the corresponding SOT condition: eyes closed with altered support (Rho = 0.61). Conclusion: Although the PCTSIB and SOT tests have similar designs, their results are not comparable, which might be due to the notable ceiling effects when the tests are applied to rhythmic gymnasts. We recommend using SOT Conditions 4 to 6 in the laboratory or PCTSIB Condition 5 (holding time) in the field to evaluate sensory organization ability in adolescent rhythmic gymnasts. |