- 成年人站立平衡之研究--感覺整合與年齡效應之分析
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題 名 | 成年人站立平衡之研究--感覺整合與年齡效應之分析 |
作 者 | 胡名霞; 林慧芬; | 書刊名 | 中華民國物理治療學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 19:1 1994.03[民83.03] |
頁 次 | 頁66-77 |
分類號 | 418.92 |
關鍵詞 | 老年人; 感覺整合; 站立平衡; 平衡測驗; Elderly; Sensory integration; Balance; Balance test; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 站立平衡的穩定度通常在中年後,隨著年齡的增加而降低,若因平衡不 良而發生跌倒,將對其生活品質、健康等造成極大的不良影響。本實驗旨在使用 單是站立測驗及一套感覺互動與站立平衡臨床測試法(CTSIB)來評估大台北地 區國人之站立穩定度,以了解感覺互動、年齡與平衡之關係,並提供未來研究平 衡訓練效度之基礎。 共有六十三名受試者參與本實驗,其中男性40名,女性23名。青年組19名,平均 24歲,中年組23名,平均47歲,老年組21名,平均65歲。受試者須為健康人,沒 有骨科或神經科等足以引起平衡不良之疾病者。以馬錶記錄受試者張或閉眼時單 是站立的時間長短。再以測力板系統(Balance Master)量化受試者在CTSIB的六種 不同的感覺測試情況下站立20秒之穩定度。這六種測試情況為:張眼、閉眼、帶 頭罩;以及站在海棉墊上再重複以上三種情況。 結果發現老年人的站立穩定度在CTSIB的六種測試情況中有四種情況下均明顯 地比青、中年組差(p<.05)。若去除身高與體重的影響,ANCOVA分析結果得知性 別對穩定度無顯著影響。單是站立測驗也很明顯的受年紀影響,老年組單是站立 時間比青、中年組短(p<.05)。 本實驗結果證實老年人在感覺回饋改變或剝奪的情況、或單腳站的情況下,站立 穩定度比年青人及中年人差。這表示老年人的感覺整合能力有下降的趨勢,是老 年人跌倒的可能因素。(中華物療誌1994:19(1):66-77) |
英文摘要 | Postural stability decreases with increasingage after middle age. The consequences of fallsor disequilibrium have a tremendous impact onthe health and quality of life in the elderly.Recent trend in fall-related studies emphasizedthe concept of early prevention to falls. Thusphysical therapists not only have to treat thepatients with fall-related injuries but also haveto properly evaluate the stability in preventingfalls. To evaluate the ability of the elderly tomaintain balance under altered sensory feedbackconditions, Drs. Shurnway-Cook and Horak,both are physical therapists in the United States,developed a set of simple tests of balance, ie.,the Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction andBalance (CTSIB). The purposes of this studywere to investigate quantitatively the range ofnormal responses to the CTSIB and to the one-leg stance test in Chinese living in Taipei. Sixty-three subjects (40 males, 23 females)completed this study. There were 19 young-age(mean age = 24 years), 23 middle-age (meanage = 47 years), and 21 old-age (mean age = 65years) subjects. Subjects were healthy volun-teers without any known orthopedic or neuro- logical disorders that may influence their balance. The CTSIB used a special visual domearound the head of the subject to alter the visual feedback during standing. The somatosensewas altered in three of the six sensory conditions by asking the subject to stand on a medium-density foam pad. The duration for eachsensory condition was 20 seconds in this study.Postural stability was recorded by the forceplateof the Balance Master system (NeurocommInternational Inc.) during each condition. Thesix conditions were: (1) eyes open, no foam, ie.,both vision and somatosense were normal; (2)eyes closed, no foam, ie., the visual feedbackwas deprived; (3) visual dome, no foam, ie., thevisual feedback was altered; (4) eyes open withfoam, ie., the somatosense alone was altered;(5) eyes closed with foam, ie., vision was deprived and the somatosense was altered; (6)visual dome with foam, ie., both vision andsomatosense were altered. A stop watch was used to record the length of time a subject was able to maintain balance on one leg during theone-leg stance test. The resulis revealed that all subjects wereable to complete the entire duratJon (20 secondsunder each condition) of the CTSIB successfully. The posiural stability was affected byboth feedback condition and age. When sensory feedback was altered or deprived duringquiet standing, the postural stability decreased.This phenomenon was more prominent underTest Conditions 5 and 6, ie., when two sensoryfeedback systems were simultaneously altered.Age had an significant effect on postural stability during Test Conditions 1, 3, 4, and 5 (p <.05). The older-aged group swayed significantly more than young-and middle-aged groupsunder normal condition, when standing on afirm surface with the visual dome, or whenstanding on a foam pad with eyes open orclosed. There were no significant difference belween male and female Junng (lie CISIBwhen height and weight were controlled by theANCOVA procedure. Sigmficanl ape effectwas found for the one-leg stance lest. Thestanding duration of the older-age group wasshorter that that of the young- and middle-agegroups (p<.05). It was concluded that standing balance wasalfecied by altered sensory feedback and byage. The ability of sensory integration lo maintain balance was decreased in older adults. Theone-leg stance test and the CTSIB are effectiveclinical tools lo evaluate the balance abilityunder altered or deprived sensory conditions. Itis recommended that both tests be used as standard screening tests in the community or clinics.(JPTA ROC 1994;19(1):66-77) |