題 名 | 高中地理教科書地圖設計優缺點之分析=Analysis the Map Design in High School Geography Textbooks |
作 者 | 張春蘭; 莊昀; | 書刊名 | 地圖:中華民國地圖學會會刊 |
卷 期 | 23:1 2013.04[民102.04] |
頁 次 | 頁1-19 |
分類號 | 523.743268 |
關鍵詞 | 地圖設計; 高中地理; 地理教科書; 主題地圖; 地形圖; Map design; Senior high school’s geography; Geographic textbook; Thematic map; Topographic map; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 地圖是地理學表達空間觀念的重要工具,為了能附和教育部「普通高級中學課程綱要」之目標,使學生容易了解不同尺度的地理環境,所有出版社編輯的教科書裡,皆繪製了許多不同類型的地圖,以便輔助課文的內容。但經常在這些教科書裡會發現一些繪製不良的地圖。為了能有系統地釐清造成地圖設計不良的因素,本文根據Bos定義的地圖設計模式中的五項影響因素:地圖內容、視覺感知、符號設計、地圖配置和概括化,再細分為圖文對應、形底關係、階層組織、清晰易讀、符號設計、文字排列、地圖元素和電腦概括化八項評比變數,分析了高中六冊地理教科書中的地圖,試圖整理在這些書中經常會出現的地圖設計問題。本研究共搜集了五家出版社,編輯的26本地理教科書,經由這些書中的地圖分析發現:會有地圖或標題與課文說明不符,主題與背景的形底關係模糊,符號與文字小到無法清晰易讀,地形圖的高度與分色,主題地圖符號分級的大小與顏色設計不當,圖例、經緯網、比例尺與指北針的圖元配置不宜,以及縮編地時圖時概括化狀況不佳等設計不良等問題較多,本文根據地圖設計原則找這些缺失的因素。希望能藉此研究成果,提供正在編輯與修訂地理科教科書的撰寫者,改進這些地圖設計問題,繪出品質較好的地圖,不僅能實踐地圖品質優良的地理教科書,也能協助學生更容易閱讀這些地圖,進而能深入理解地理課本的內容。 |
英文摘要 | Maps are important tools to express the spatial concept in geography. In order to achieve one of the goals of “Senior High School Curriculum Guidelines” of Ministry of Education, geography textbooks had many types of maps and various thematic maps corresponding to main contents to enable students easily comprehend basic principles of geography. Some poor-designed maps also showed in these textbooks, so these maps need to be improved. To clarify elements causing poor-designed maps, five elements according to Bos’ definition were used in this study to analyze these maps. The five factors include map content, visual perception, symbol design, map layout and generalization. Other eight criteria, correspondence among texts and maps, figure-ground origination, hierarchical organization, clarity and legibility, symbol design, lettering, map elements, and computer generalization, also were considered when analyzing maps in the six senior high school geography textbooks. In addition, common issues of map design in senior high school geography textbooks are organized and discussed. Twenty six senior high school geography textbooks from five publishing companies were analyzed in this study. Based on these map-design principles, the results summarized common poor-design map issues, such as mismatch among maps, titles, and contents, indistinct relationship between main titles and backgrounds, small symbols and words, wrong disposition among legends, longitude and latitude, scales, compasses, and poor generalization when deducing maps. One of the goals of this study is to guide authors who will edit senior high school geography textbooks to pay attention to these issues, and further produce high quality maps. High quality maps not only assist students to read these maps more easily, but also make students comprehend the geography textbook content. Other goal of this study is to guide geography teachers and students to map better maps by modeling some well-designed maps in these geography textbooks. |