題 名 | 臺灣主題地圖之現況分析與評價=Analysis and Evaluation of Thematic Maps about Taiwan |
作 者 | 童約信; | 書刊名 | 地圖:中華民國地圖學會會刊 |
卷 期 | 10 1999.12[民88.12] |
頁 次 | 頁59-68 |
分類號 | 609 |
關鍵詞 | 主題地圖; Thematic map; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 地圖是地理學的特有工具,可濟文字說明之窮,亦可補助因文字不同而起之隔閡。許多現象。均可用地圖表示,主題地圖(Thematic map)之目的是表示地理現象的空間變化或地理現象間的相對關係,顯示分佈的結構,相互關係所產生的特性。此種地圖乃策劃國家行政措施、利用自然資源、推動各項建設的重要工具。世界許多國家對主題地圖的研究相當重視,並傾力發展其理論及技術,以期能在各方面提供有效設計、決策及規劃之用。反觀國內,有關臺灣主題地圖探討的相關文獻,十分缺乏,不僅資訊與地圖資料取得困難,而且欠缺系統、標準化。本研究希望藉由對臺灣主題地圖之蒐集、整理、統計比較與分類等系統化研究,能歸納出臺灣主題地圖的特徵、概況,並進一步解析其原因予以評價,找尋出臺灣主題地圖未來發展之方向。 |
英文摘要 | Maps are special tools of Geography, not only enstrong illustrations, but also assist differentia of words. Much phenomenon can be indicated by maps. The purpose of Thematic maps is to show the spacial change and relative relationship of Geography, to present structures of distribution and characteristics of relationship. Thematic maps are used extensively in administrative policies planning, natural resources using and many constructions acting. Many Countries have put an emphasis on the researches of Thematic maps, and made an effect to develop the relevant theory and technology in order to provide effective design, decision making and planning for many aspects. However, the related researches on Thematic maps about Taiwan are lacking. Not only it is difficult to obtain the related information, but it is also absent of systematism and standardization. This research is toward to propose the overview and the characteristics of Thematic maps about Taiwan through gathing, comparing and classifying the related researches. Furthermore, by analyzing the causes, this research pointed out where to go for the Thematic maps about Taiwan. |