題 名 | 衛星影像地圖製作之研究=The Study of Cartography on Satellite Image Maps |
作 者 | 徐粹青; 劉時偉; 賴坤陽; | 書刊名 | 地圖:中華民國地圖學會會刊 |
卷 期 | 10 1999.12[民88.12] |
頁 次 | 頁129-136 |
分類號 | 440.98 |
關鍵詞 | 衛星影像圖; 衛星影像地圖; 衛星影像地形圖; Satellite image map; Satellite image maps; SIMs; Satellite image topographic map; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 電腦科技發展快速,使得空間資訊的使用與圖像化之需求日漸增加,傳統製圖作業已大量運用電腦輔助製圖,衛星影像地圖亦然。本研究使用之SPOT衛星影像,在應用上具普及性、時效性、經濟性、高解析度及重覆週期性等優點,並可依用圖主題或特定需求目的而編製比例尺二萬分之一至五萬分之一衛星影像圖或衛星影像主題地圖或衛星影像圖地形圖。它具有衛星影像和線劃圖兩者之優點,既含有衛星影像豐富地形內涵,又保有線劃地形圖之數學正確性與幾何精確度。但如何確保整幅圖之影像與註記等色彩調和,是整幅衛星影像地圖或地形圖呈現良窳與成敗之關鍵。預期未來將廣泛應用於經濟建設規劃及開發等。 |
英文摘要 | Computer science and technique has being developing very fast that cause the needs of timely geospatial and image data. The traditional cartography was made by computer aid and Satellite Image Maps (SIMs) are the same. In this paper we used the SPOT Images that have advantages on popularization, efficiency, economy, high resolution and updating. The end products include Satellite Image Map, Satellite thematic map and Satellite Image Topographic map printed in various scales and sizes, ranging from 1:20000 to 1:50000 depending on the user's theme and purpose. The merits of Satellite Image Maps (SIMs) covered abundant in detail terrain and precise geospatial. How to combine the colours harmony of imagery and symbols are the keys of the Satellite Image Maps (SIMs) displayed on map reader. We expect the applications of Satellite Image Maps (SIMs) will be widely used on economic construction and development. |