題 名 | 以地圖設計原則評析高中生電腦繪圖比賽作品=Analysis of Senior High School Students' Computer Mapping via Principles of Cartographic Design |
作 者 | 張春蘭; 吳怡瑩; | 書刊名 | 地圖:中華民國地圖學會會刊 |
卷 期 | 20:2 2010.10[民99.10] |
頁 次 | 頁1-18 |
分類號 | 523.746092 |
關鍵詞 | 地圖設計; 電腦繪圖; 地理資訊系統; 主題地圖; 高中地理; Map design principles; Computer mapping; Geographic information systems; GIS; Thematic map; High school geography; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 隨著地理資訊系統和電腦繪圖軟體的普及使用,其強大的資料處理、分析及展示功能已成為地理學處理空間資料的新革命。因此,於1995年高中地理教育所修訂的地理科課程標準,便將此一技術融入課程綱要裡,向中學教育扎根。高中地理資訊應用自2004年透過全國性地理資訊系統電腦繪圖比賽,藉由經驗的累積讓學生更容易地掌握及熟練地理技能。比賽至今已邁入第五屆,每年的作品皆不斷的精進,尤其是在地理資訊相關軟體的應用及功能上越見成熟,但可惜還是常見到有些作品因忽略地圖設計原則,而影響到主題地圖的品質。 本文即是針對此課題,蒐集第一、四、五屆高中職學生地理資訊系統電腦繪圖比賽之作品做為分析樣本,並依循繪製地圖的必需要素:思考製圖目的、符號設計、地圖要素的階層關係、地圖版面設計及適當的輸出方式依序作檢視。發現比賽作品在地圖版面設計中比例尺、指北針和圖例部分存在較多的錯誤迷思;因此希望經由本文的分析,提出較具體的地圖設計的原則,指導參賽的學生繪製出較好的主題地圖。 |
英文摘要 | As the popularization of the geographic information systems (GIS) and computerized-graphs software, the powerful information management, analysis, and display function of the two systems have led a revolution in spatial information analysis in geographical contexts. In 1995, the amended Taiwanese Senior High School Geographic Curriculum Guidelines integrated these technologies into senior high school geography education. In 2004, GIS used in the national competition of GIS computer mapping has helped students to easily grasp and master geographical skills. The competition has stepped into the fifth year (the fifth round) and the quality of the works received has been improved year by year. In particular, the applications and functions of GIS software have been dramatically improved. However, students often neglect the map design principles. In order to solve this problem, the researchers collected and analyzed works from Senior High student GIS computer mapping competition of the first year, the fourth year and the fifth year. According to the necessary elements of making maps, including map purposes, map layout designs, hierarchical organizations among geographic factors, symbol designs, and appropriate dispositions, researchers found out students often made mistakes at the scales, orientations, and legends of map layout design in these works. The goal of this study is to propose more concreteknowledge body of map designs, and guide students produce better thematic maps. |