- 飛天舞蹈戲劇化課程設計之成效探討
- 臺灣與美加地區圖書資訊學資訊科學課程之研究
- 新兵體能戰技訓練課程設計之研究
- 技職教育商業自動化專業才能之需求與課程區隔研究
- 臺灣九年一貫制新課程和英國交叉式課程設計對中小學資訊教育之影響
- 藝術與人文學習領域綱要與統整性互融式課程設計之觀念
- The Development of a Spoken Sports English Course for Students of the Sports Science Training Department
- 臺灣與美加地區圖書資訊學資訊科學課程之研究
- The Study of Four-year Hospitality and Tourism Management Programs in Taiwan: Students' Career Choices and Curriculum Design
- Educational Reform Act-Based Curriculum Innovation: An English Experience of National Curriculum Reform