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題 名 | 防毒吸收罐不當選用之性能測試=Breakthrough Evaluation on the Improper Selection of Respirator Cartridges |
作 者 | 陳春萬; 劉怡伶; 陳俊瑋; | 書刊名 | 勞工安全衛生研究季刊 |
卷 期 | 22:1 2014.03[民103.03] |
頁 次 | 頁82-90 |
分類號 | 412.53 |
關鍵詞 | 防毒面具; 吸收罐; 有機溶劑蒸氣; 硫化氫; 氨氣; Respirator; Cartridges; Organic vapors; Hydrogen sulfide; Ammonia; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 有機溶劑蒸氣、硫化氫、氨氣都是作業場所常見之空氣中有害物,必須採取通風設施等控 制措施,來降低勞工之暴露,無法採取適當控制措施或特定狀況下時,可選用適當呼吸防護具 來降低這些空氣中有害物。 使用呼吸防護具防護有機溶劑蒸氣、硫化氫、氨氣等空氣中有害物,必須使用特定之吸收 罐,防毒面具國家標準吸收罐種類就有有機氣體用、氨氣用及硫化氫用之分類,若事業單位選 用符合國家標準之吸收罐且正確佩戴,應可有效降低這些空氣中有害物暴露濃度。不過若是疏 忽而不當使用吸收罐,學理上將無法達到防護目的,研究實際測試不同吸收罐類型吸收有機溶 劑蒸氣、硫化氫、氨氣等之情形,透過實際測試數據,提供事業單位警惕與管理參考,也提醒 勞工正確選用防毒面具吸收罐之重要。 |
英文摘要 | The chemical substances such as organic vapors, hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia are commonly used in the workplace. These chemicals are hazardous to health. Therefore, proper protective measures have to be taken to protect workers. Respiratory protective equipments (RPEs) are regarded to be an alternative for reducing the airborne exposure while the ventilation control is not feasible or limited. The selection of the RPEs, including its cartridges should base on the chemical characteristics of target vapors/gases to achieve acceptable level of protection. The R.O.C. National Standards adopt color coding system to certify RPE cartridges for different types of chemicals, such as organic vapors, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, etc. This work demonstrates that the breakthrough occurs much earlier if wrong type of cartridges are used. These data are effective teaching tools and worthy to be included in the safety and hygiene training moudules. |