題 名 | Green Discoloration of Fish Meats Induced by H[feaf]S-Producing Bacteria=由硫化氫產生菌誘發的魚肉綠變之研究 |
作 者 | 張士軒; 陳文君; 薛月娥; 陳幸臣; | 書刊名 | 臺灣水產學會刊 |
卷 期 | 25:2 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁129-138 |
分類號 | 439.7 |
關鍵詞 | 鬼頭刀; 硫化氫產生菌; 牡蠣; 鮮度; Mahi-mahi; Coryphaena hippurus; H[feaf]S-producing bacteria; Green discoloration; Oyster; Crassostrea gigas; Freshness; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討由硫化氫產生菌所誘發的魚肉綠變是否具有魚種專一性,硫化氫 產生菌與牡蠣綠變之關係,以及魚肉綠變的簡易、迅速的判斷方法。鬼頭刀背肉在25℃貯存 1天之後便不堪食用,但在5℃和-3℃則分別可以貯存7天和14天以上。自鬼頭刀背肉分離出 能利用硫代硫酸鈉和半胱胺酸以產生硫化氫的細菌,計有6株奇異變形菌(Proteus mirabilis) 和9株弗氏檸檬酸桿菌(Citrobacter freundii)。這些硫化氫產生菌,對不同的魚種如鬼頭 刀、圓花鰹和四破�銵A具有不同的綠變誘發能力,故無魚種專一性,亦即由硫化氫產生菌所 誘發的魚肉之綠變為魚類的共通現象,不限於已知的鬼頭刀、旗魚或鮪魚等少數魚種。牡蠣 之綠變,與硫化氫產生菌無關。魚肉綠變時,不一定會產生刺激臭,故不能只憑嗅覺作為魚 肉綠變判斷之依據。此外,魚肉汁雖呈綠色,但在許多情形下,都沒有可偵測的綠變特性吸 收峰(618nm處),故亦不能只憑視覺作為魚肉綠變判斷之依據。 |
英文摘要 | Green discoloration of fish meats induced by H�特-producing bacteria, the relationship between green discoloration of oyster (Crassostrea gigas) and H�特-producing bacteria, and the method to judge green meats were studied. The shelf life of the dorsal meat of mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) stored at 25, 5 and -3℃ were t, 7 and >14 days, respectively. Fifteen H�特-producing bacteria (6 strains of Proteus mirabilis and 9 strains of Citrobacter freundii) capable of utilizing both sodium thiosulfite and cysteine to produce H�特 were isolated from the dorsal meat of mahi-mahi during storage. These bacteria had various abilities to induce the green discoloration of fishes such as mahi-mahi, round frigate mackerel (Auxis rochei) and amberfish (Decapterus maruadsi). On the contrary, no relation existed between green discoloration of oyster and H�特- producing bacteria. When green discoloration occurred, a stimulative off-odor was developed sometimes in fish meats. In addition, although the fish extracts were green in color, the characteristic absorption peak at 618 nm for green discoloration was not detectable in most cases. Therefore, either the smell or the sight cannot be used as an easy or quick method to judge the green discoloration of fish meats. |