- 淺談支氣管哮喘
- 養陰克敏方對兒童氣喘療效之研究
- Characterization of Allergens of Penicillium and Aspergillus Species
- Effects of Ozone on Ovalbumin Sensitization in Guinea Pigs
- Seafood Allergy: Tropomyosins and Beyond
- Inflammatory, Immunological and Clinical Comparisons of Short- and Long-acting Bronchodilators in Mild and Moderate Bronchial Asthma Patients
- Comparison of Indoor Allergens, Allergic Scores, and Demographic Data in Taiwanese Adults with Asthma or Allergic Rhinitis, or Both
- 各年齡層氣喘病人室內吸入性過敏原過敏率與過敏程度之研究
- 由過敏原談日本人杉木花粉症的預防對策
- 過敏原及其毒性檢驗法之探討