題 名 | 國小學童課後托育、補習才藝與學業成就、行為適應之關係--以臺中縣大里市為例=The Relations between Participation in After-School Programs and Talent Classes and Children's Grades and Behavioral Adjustment in Tali City in Central Taiwan |
作 者 | 蘇秀枝; | 書刊名 | 朝陽人文社會學刊 |
卷 期 | 3:1 民94.06 |
頁 次 | 頁173-223 |
分類號 | 523.37152 |
關鍵詞 | 課後托育; 補習; 才藝課; 品質; 選擇因素; After-school programs; Supplementary education; Talent classes; Quality; Selection factors; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在了解台中縣大里市國小學童課後托育與補習才藝之經驗,並探討此一經驗與學童在校成績、行為適應之間的關聯。主要研究目的在於: (一)描述大里市國民小學二、四、六年級學童參與課後托育與補習才藝之情形。 (二)探討參與課後托育、補習才藝與兒童、家庭選擇因素之關係。 (三)探討控制孩童與家庭選擇因素之後,參與課後托育、補習才藝與學童學業成就、行為適應之關係。研究對象為大里市三所智類國小之二、四、六年級各兩班級任教師、學童與家長。本研究主要使用問卷調查法,統計分析方法包括:描述性統計、卡方檢定、相關係數檢定、單因子變異數分析及多元回歸分析。研究結果發現參與此研究之479位學童中,參加課後托育的人數有207人(43.2%),其中參加校外安親(課輔)班有142位(68.9%),參加學校課後照顧班有64位(31.1%)。292位(61.1%)學童有補習才藝課程,補習內容主要以兒童美(英)語(237位,49.5%)、珠心算(105位,21.9%)、音樂(68位,14.2%)為主。 二年級學童參加課後托育的比例比六年級學童高,四年級與六年級補習才藝的比例比二年級學童高。父母親學歷愈高、有工作、家庭收入愈高,學童參加課後托育、補習才藝的機率愈高,所付的課後托育費用亦較高。參加課後托育之學童,美勞、輔導活動、生活、健康體育、綜合活動成績皆較差,外在問題行為與整體行為問題也較多。相對地,有補習才藝的學童國語、鄉土語言、英語、數學、自然生活、生活、健康體育、綜合活動成績皆較佳。 本研究建議政府在積極推動校內課後托育照顧的同時,不僅是要求學校提供家長負擔得起的課後托育服務,更應進一步確保所提供的課後托育照顧是高品質的。另外,政府也應透過評鑑與獎勵方式,協助坊間課後托育機構改善托育品質,為學童營造一個快樂且適合學習的課後托育環境。 |
英文摘要 | This study was intended to describe children's participation in after-school programs and extracurricular talent classes, and its relations to children's school grades and behavioral adjustment. There were three major objectives. 1. To describe 2(superscript nd) 4(superscript th) and 6(superscript th) graders' participation in after-school programs and talent classes in Tali city. 2. To examine the relations between participation in after-school programs and talent classes and child and family characteristics. 3. To examine the relations between participation in after-school programs and talent classes and children's school grades and behavioral adjustment, controlling for child and family-selection factors. Participants included children (2(superscript nd), 4(superscript th), and 6(superscript th) graders), their homeroom teachers, and their parents from three elementary schools in Tali city. Questionnaire survey was used to collect data. Descriptive statistics, Chi-square, Anova, correlation, and multiple regression tests were used. Results indicated that 207 (43.2%) children participated in after-school programs. Among them, 142 (68.9%) attended private after-school programs outside, and 64 (31.1%) attended after-school programs inside those elementary schools. Of all 479 participating children, 292 (61.1%) attended talent classes. The contents of talent classes were mainly English (N=237, 49.5%), Abacus or Mental Mathematics (N=105, 21.9%), and Music (N=68, 14.2%). Children in younger grades were more likely to attend after-school programs, while children in higher grades were more likely to attend talent classes. Children from families with higher-educated and employed parents with a higher family income were more likely to participate in after-school programs and talent classes. Participation in after-school programs predicted poorer school grades and behavioral adjustment; while partcipation in talent classes predicted better school grades. This study suggests that government should ensure that after-school programs provided by public elementary schools are not only affordable but also of high-quality. In addition, government should help private after-school programs improve their quality and provide children a happy and developmentally appropriate learning environment through evaluation and reward systems. |