題 名 | 國小教師國語教學信念及相關因素之調查研究=A Survey Study of Elementary Teachers' Beliefs and Related Aspects of Teaching Language Arts |
作 者 | 黃繼仁; 周立勳; 甄曉蘭; | 書刊名 | 教育研究集刊 |
卷 期 | 47 2001.07[民90.07] |
頁 次 | 頁107-132 |
分類號 | 523.33802 |
關鍵詞 | 建構主義; 教師語文教學信念; 國小國語教學; Constructivism; Teachers' beliefs of teaching language arts; Teaching of mandarian Chinese at elementary school; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 近年來,教育實踐深受建構教學理念的影響,數學與科學領域外,語文教學之發展亦有從傳統行為論逐漸轉向建構論的趨勢;有鑒於課程與教學的革新中,教師教學背後隱含的信念甚為關键,為了解當前國小教師國語教學信念的實際情況,本研究藉由相關文獻的探討,比較建構教學觀與傳統教學觀的主要差異,據以編製問卷,對雲嘉三縣市113所國小855人進行調查,以反映教師在國語教學信念偏向,並進一步分析不同背景教師在國語科教學信念上的差異,以及與教學實務之關聯。調查結果顯示,國語教學信念的內涵可反映出「過程導向」與「教科書中心」兩個因素;整體上,當前國小教師之教學信念雖然偏向建構教學觀,但大多數教師仍存在著依賴教科書的現象;其中,教師因不同性別、年齡、教學年資及國語的學年資在個別信念因素上的反映有顯著差異。最後,國小教師之國語教學信念愈偏向建構教學觀,在國語教學實務上愈偏向強調學生經驗與興趣的連結,以及注重意義產生的統整過程教學。 |
英文摘要 | Recently, educational practices have been influenced by the constructivist perspectives, not only in science and mathematics but also in language arts. Facing the impact of curricular and instructional reform, teachers’ beliefs behind their pedagogical practices play an important role. The purpose of this study was to investigate elementary teachers’ beliefs about teaching language arts through a questionnaire survey among 855 teachers from 113 elementary schools in the Chiayi-Yunlin area. The results show that most elementary school teachers’ beliefs about teaching language arts tend to reflect constructivist points of views. However, their teaching styles are more or less still textbook-driven. In general, differences of grade, age, school location, or workshop experience, except gender, make no significant differences on teachers’ beliefs about teaching language arts. In addition there are two factors of teachers’ beliefs of teaching language arts. They are “process-oriented teaching” and “textbook-driven instruction”. In terms of individual factor of beliefs, there are significant differences among gender, age, experience of teaching and of teaching language arts. When a teacher’s belief of teaching language arts tends toward constructivist views, this teacher prefers to provide opportunities for language arts learning out of children’s experiences and interests, and emphasizes the integrated processes of meaning-making in language arts instruction. |