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題 名 | U.S.-China Nonproliferation Cooperation: Debacle or Success﹖ A Constructivist/Neorealist Debate |
作 者 | Yuan,I; | 書刊名 | Issues & Studies |
卷 期 | 34:6 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁29-55 |
分類號 | 578.184 |
關鍵詞 | 美國; 中國大陸; 防止核子武器的擴散; 社會建構主義; 戰略關係; Social constructivism; Nonproliferation; Norms; Identities; U.S.-China strategic relations; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
英文摘要 | "Social constructivists embrace a distributed view of knowledge. Knowledge is located neither in the mind nor in any representation of the mind. All of our understandings are situation in complex webs of experience, action, and interaction." This article explores the psychological underpinnings of China's (non) proliferation strategy. It argues that China's participation in nonproliferation regimes demonstrates a clear pattern of shifting identities or elastic behavior. The Chinese view is based on a concept of cultural realism. The psycho-strategic nexus of identities and interests is itself founded on the trinity of China as a permanent Security Council member, a second-tier nuclear power, and a Third World state. The fungibility among these three constructive roles creates a web of norms and identities, defining China's proper roles and defending the Chinese national interests from the intrusion of nonproliferation regimes. |