題 名 | 藉反省式教學方式探究師院生的自然科教學觀=Through Reflective Teaching to Investigate Teaching Knowledge of Preservice Teachers |
作 者 | 熊召弟; | 書刊名 | 臺北師院學報 |
卷 期 | 11 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁473-512 |
分類號 | 522.633 |
關鍵詞 | 反省式教學; 建構主義; 詮釋研究; 師資培育; 小學自然科學; Reflective teaching; Constructivism; Interpretive research; Teacher education; Elementary school science; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 建構主義和反省式教學是近十年來在國際科學教育研究領域上被認為具有增強 教學能力的哲學理念和實務策略。本研究是於建構主義的基礎上,利用「反省式教 學」策略呈現出師院生有關「自然科教學實務」學習的思考。 本研究是就某一培育小學師資的國立師院教授就其擔任之數理教育系自然科教 學研究課程時利用「反省式教學」策略研究師院三年級學生之有關小學自然科實務 知識思考的探討。研究重點包含:(一)建構應用在師院生自然科教學研究課程之「反 省式教學」模組;(二)了解師院生對教學之相關知識(如:教師角色、學習、課程、 科學本質、科學教育本質、小學科學教育本質等);(三)反映師院生之教學觀摩及初次 教學表現的省察。 本研究的參與者:包括大學任教該科「自然科教材教法」及「教育實習」的教 授,及一班師院生(36人);研究方法採取的是詮釋研究法;藉唔談、札記、錄影、 錄音及問卷等方法來收集資料;分析及寫作方式是以敘述型態來鋪陳師院生對學習 小學自然科教學的觀點。 研究結果巳括發展「反省式教學」策略,利用「隱喻」、「3-D」立體圖等方法, 得以收集師院生對教師角色、課程、學習、科學本質、小學科學教育的後設認知(看 法),並藉由教學觀摩、試教之機會,使其經實地經驗,反映其小學自然科教學知識 觀。研究成果,不僅得以助於「建構者觀教學」、「反省式教學」之理論付諸於實務, 更藉以創造師院教師、小學教師及師院生的互動、了解及共同學習的機會,以提升 彼此的教學能力。 |
英文摘要 | In the past decade, the ideologies of constructivism and reflective teaching are prevailing in the international science education researches. The purpose of this study is to investigate the phenomena of reflective teaching on prospective teachers' learning how to teach elementary school science. This study consist of episodes of performance of reflective teaching on teachers' college students. The main substances of this study include: (1) constructing a module of prospective teachers' learning "reflective teaching" at the course called "Research of Elementary Science Teaching";(2) understanding prospective teachers' beliefs in roles of a teacher, learning, curriculum, the nature of science, the nature of science education, and the nature of elementary school science; then (3)perceiving the views of the prospective teachers' observations on experienced teachers' teaching and their own first teaching in real elementary science classrooms. In this study, establishing a teaching learning community is important. In this community, there is one teachers' college professor (author herself) who is responsible for "Research of Elementary Science Teaching " course, and one intact-class prospective teachers (total=36). Erickson's (1986) interpretive research methodology is adopted for this study. The data sources include: field notes, videotapes, transcripts, interviewing documents, journals, pictures, and questionnaires in reder to understand more about prospective teachers' backgrounds. Descriptive analysis and narrative type are the main representations of data analysis and writing style in this study. Results introduce a module of reflective teaching on "Research on Elementary Science Teaching", illustrate prospective teachers' belief in the role of teachers, learning, curriculum, the nature of science, the nature of science education. the nature of elementary science education, and represent the perceptions of prospective teachers on teaching observations and their own first teaching experience. This study not only provides the opportunities for this learning "teaching" community to understand each other but also the chances for learning from each other, and moreover it enhances the probabilities for putting the theories of constructivism and reflecting teaching into practices. |