題 名 | 現代幼兒母親的教養信念--以大學教育程度者為例=Child-Rearing Ideas of College--Educated Mothers |
作 者 | 劉慈惠; | 書刊名 | 新竹師院學報 |
卷 期 | 14 2001.02[民90.02] |
頁 次 | 頁355-405 |
分類號 | 528.2 |
關鍵詞 | 教養; 深度訪談; 質化研究; Child-rearing; In-depth interviews; Qualitative study; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 透過深度訪談,本文探討新竹地區大學教育程度之幼兒母親的教養信念。研究結果發現,受訪者的教養信念反映中國傳統文化及西方文化的雙重影響。重新概念化(reconceptualize)何謂「理想教育」的現象,可以很明顯地從受訪者身上觀察到。意即,中國傳統文化雖然對幼兒母親的教養觀仍然有所影響,可是它已不再位居主導的地位,而且有些傳統的教養信念已經被重新界定及賦予新的意義。大部分受訪者呈現偏向「以幼兒為中心」的現代教養觀;她們看重聆聽孩子的想法與滿足其心理與情緒的需求。在情感的表達上,她們不再像上一代父母那般內斂而含蓄;反之,她們不吝於以讚美、親吻與擁抱來表達對孩子的愛。在管教上,她們傾向以說理偶有溝通來解決孩子行為上的問題。不過,受到傳統文化的影響,許多受訪者感受到與幼兒說理的有限與挫折。在某些情況下,許多受訪者仍然認為「打」是具有正面管教意義的最下之策。雖然受訪者在持守傳統信念和接受西方教養觀上的程度有所不同,可是為了讓自己的孩子得到最佳發展利益,她們都一樣經歷了在理想與現實之間求取平衡的掙扎與矛盾。本研究建議:教養是非常個人情境化的事(contextualized),理想的教養方式並沒有一定的標準藍圖,一個人的教養信念或偏向傳統或偏向現代,與其現代化的程度沒有一定的關係,也沒有絕對的優與劣。學者有必要要從文化生態觀的基礎上更多去探討父母的教養,親職教育工作者在未深入了解當事者的教養情境之前,宜避免對父母所持特定的教養方式加上主觀合宜與不合宜的評價。 |
英文摘要 | This qualitative study explored child-rearing ideas of college-educated mothers in Hsinchu. Data were gathered through in-depth interviews. Findings indicate that participants' ideas are mixture of traditional Chinese and modern parenting approaches. Reconceptualization in childrearing has taken place among participants. While some traditional values are still highly reserved, some have been redefined. Most participants have become more child-centered in child-rearing. They expressed concern about heeding children's voices and psychological needs. They no longer curb their demonstration of parental affection as Chinese parents in the past did. They give high priority to the use of reasoning in regulating children's behavior. However, most of them also experienced frustration and limitation when attempting to reason with young children. Many still perceive spanking positively as last resort in some disciplinary situation. Participants vary in their allegiance to traditional values and their openness to modern values, yet they all reported struggle in their quests for a balance between the ideal and the reality. It is suggested that child-rearing is highly contextualized. A person's acceptance of new parenting ideas or maintance of traditional has nothing to do with her modernity. Parenting needs to be understood from a cultural-ecological perspective. Educators need to take caution in conveying what is desirable or undesirable childrearing to parents. |