題 名 | 大臺北地區母親對「兒童自主」教養信念之詮釋性研究=An Interpretive Study of Mothers' Child-rearing Beliefs on Child's Autonomy in Taipei Area |
作 者 | 林慧芬; | 書刊名 | 國立臺北師範學院學報. 教育類 |
卷 期 | 17:2 2004.09[民93.09] |
頁 次 | 頁229-259 |
分類號 | 428.8 |
關鍵詞 | 兒童自主; 母親教養信念; 獨立; 自我; 深度訪談; Child rearing belief; Child-rearing practices; Autonomy; Independent; Self; Culture; In-depth interview; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究的目的在探討一、母親如何詮釋「兒童自主」的意義?二、母親給予孩子做決定的範疇為何?母親給孩子自主權的判準為何?三、母親之「兒童自主」的教養信念類型為何? 本研究採用深度訪談法,在大臺北地區訪問20位母親。訪談資料由錄音帶逐字轉成文字稿,以「開放編碼」及「主題選擇編碼」進行資料分析。研究結果顯示,受訪的20位母親對「兒童自主」意義的詮釋集中在問題解決(認知層面)和生活自理(行為層面)。所有母親都認為孩子年幼時,有必要親子共寢以提供孩子較好的照顧及安全感。受訪母親認為孩子所能擁有多少自主權的判準是根據孩子的能力和所能負擔的責任作為分界,有三種類型,1. 孩子的能力不夠,大部份引導孩子做決定;2. 孩子有些能力可做決定,讓孩子在能力範圍內做選擇;3. 做決定的能力要從小訓練。 在兒童可以自主的範疇方面,母親在健康、安全、道德、常規與禮貌等領域的規範較多,孩子在個人領域(例如衣服、玩伴的選擇、遊戲的方式)有較多的決定權。對大多數的導正型母親而言,把自己的價值、經驗傳遞給下一代是不分「個人領域」與否的。針對兒童自主的教養信念,受訪母親可分為保護型、民主型、導正型、衝突型及混合型等五種類型。其中以導正型,民主、導正混合型為數最多,各佔25%。其中最具特色的導正型兒童自主教養信念意指:「為了孩子好,使之依循父母所設規範的教養行為。希望從孩子小的時候,就把孩子導向父母認為正確的成長道路。」 本研究建議在發展本土的教育課程或親職教育時,應該先了解臺灣教育文化的特質,若只將西方的教育模式複製到臺灣來,很容易流於形式的模仿,我們的社會及教育體系也容易因為缺乏足夠的經驗及條件來支撐其教育理想。 |
英文摘要 | Multicultural researchers have argued that the same concept may have different meanings in different cultures. The concept of child's autonomy is rooted in the western cultural, but not in Confucianism society like Taiwan. The purpose of this study is to explore how middle-class mothers construct the meaning of child's autonomy through their child-rearing beliefs within the social culture context of Taiwan. In other words, I discussed the mothers' child-rearing beliefs regarding the following issues: First, how do Taiwanese mothers interpret the meaning of children's autonomy? Secondly, on what ground do mothers grant autonomy to their children? And, on which domain can children make their own decisions? Thirdly, discussing the types of children rearing beliefs on children's autonomy. The mothers interpreted the competence of problem solving and self-care as the main meanings of children's autonomy. They reported infant and toddlers can gain a sense of security by bed-sharing with their parents. The results also indicate that the mothers treat health, security, ethics, and manners as issues that they should control while they let their children decide their own personal events. However, for the child's best interests, the mothers tend to give directions to guide their children on making decisions in personal domain. Five types of parenting styles based on mother's child rearing beliefs on children's autonomy were identified. The narrative account of these mothers can provide a framework to further develop indigenous perspective for child-rearing culture in Taiwan. |